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Advice for men:how to introduce him to fashion

Tips for men:how to introduce him to fashion easily

You spend many hours to make yourself beautiful and take care of your outfit. But your boyfriend thinks his old faded t-shirt will do just fine. Then this article advice for men is for you! Today I would offer you a few tips so that you understand your better half and can start helping her dress in style.

Tips for men:the secret to getting your man to dress in style:

While until the early sixties men took care of their look and had style, it seems that since then the male sex has decided to drive us crazy. To realize this, just take a look at recent male 'styles'.

That said, styling our guys isn't always easy, so we present to you five tips for men. In order to put them on the right track!

Plan a shopping moment

Rather than going to a restaurant, opt for a few hours of shopping and explain how much it would make you happy. This tactic works even better if you've taken the time to scout. And that you know where the good deals are. which he might like. Indeed, numerous studies reveal that the majority of guys hate spending time in stores.

If your man is a real allergic to shopping . In the age of the internet, it is quite possible to renew your dressing room from your sofa! Some stores, such as, even accept returns within 365 days and offer free delivery… Enough to allow your man to try on new pieces and clothing accessories in peace.

Be attached to details and fashion accessories

If you really want your guy to be remarkable and noticed, pay attention to the fashion accessories he wears. As women, we know very well that accessories are essential in a look. And it's time to teach it to your better half.

Contrary to popular belief , men do not necessarily have less choice than us. Hat, pocket square, tie clip, scarf, bracelet, shoes, bow tie, bag, watch, earring and other jewelry. So many little things that few men focus on. But which are relativelyeasy to add to an outfit and allow you to flesh out an otherwise banal look.

Don't impose your style on him

One of the most important things to remember is that your companion is not your model . You have to think of your clothing transformation as a team effort. You may be a fashionista but your guy has his own personality .

One solution is therefore to show him men's fashion magazines and blogs so that he becomes aware of the possibilities. And that you understand together what might please him. The good news is that more and more blogs offer you men's looks !

Renew your wardrobe, one step at a time

You probably won't get him to get rid of his favorite jeans and t-shirts overnight. If your partner is like mine, accustomed and attached to his clothes (even the worst), you will have to introduce new pieces into her wardrobe gradually.

The opinion of others should help. Indeed, although the saying says that the clothes do not make the monk. In life first impressions play a significant role. Once he gets a few compliments , his ego will get a boost. And the metamorphosis will become all the easier. A recent American study has even shown that gaining self-confidence is so important that dressing well makes you smarter and more competent.

A perfect look is a simple look

Last advice, as often the best is the enemy of the good. The objective is not to proclaim loud and clear that he has just spent 2 hours in front of his ice cream . Especially since if you want to perfect your man's style too much from the start, you risk vaccinating him forever against fashion and shopping.

You're ready for the challenge!