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Looking for a sling, but which type do you choose?

During your pregnancy you have been carrying your baby for about 9 months. And that won't bother you after a while either! It could just be that you have your belly full of all those kilos afterwards. Yet more and more mothers choose to continue carrying their baby after childbirth, in a baby carrier or sling. But how does that actually work, carrying your baby in a sling with you? What type of wraps are there and why do you choose that specific variant? And do you carry it on your back or on your stomach? You have many brands of slings, Your porte mon bebe is one of them.

There are slings made of cotton, with an ökotex label or without, of organic cotton or with a mix of cotton or linen. Only suitable for experienced wearers or also suitable for beginners. And so on. You can do a whole study on it.

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Gestation period:a few years in the sling

Not everyone has anything to do with it. Carry your little one in a sling. But however you feel about it, your baby will love it. Research has shown that physical contact between babies and their parents is very important for their social development. So have a nice hug! And why not do that while hiking? A cry baby often feels better towards you too.

It is a lot more fun than in the pram, nice on mom's back or against dad's chest. But they must feel like the extra kilos. Of course that is not so bad with newborns, but keep in mind:the sprouts grow like weeds! Moreover, on a sweltering summer day, you may not feel like having a clingy child on your side. If you certainly don't want to let that stop you, you can make yourself (and your child) as comfortable as possible by choosing the right sling. Because with the good sling you will happily carry your little one for another year.

Tip:Look here for other ways of wearing.

Stretchy wrap or the woven variant?

When you go for a sling, you can choose from two types. The woven wrap, or the stretchy wrap. There are a number of things to keep in mind when making that choice. Good to know:both are ergonomic ways to carry your baby. This is important. Ergonomic wearing means that your child hangs in a kind of frog position. Your baby hangs with his face towards you, with the knees raised and the buttocks slightly lower. This creates a rounded back and the hips are supported in this. Want to know more about ergonomic wearing?

Well, the woven wrap or the stretchy variant. What are the differences? First, the material. Stretchy wraps are soft and -what's in a name- there is a bit of stretch in them. This makes them ideal for real little ones, but less useful for larger children.

Why do you choose a woven copy?

A woven wrap forms to your body and that of your baby. In addition, a woven variant doesn't just sag, but stays in place † You carry your baby in a very natural position .

This type of cloth is suitable for both novice wearers and experienced wearers and can therefore be used until toddlerhood † In addition, this cloth is also suitable for premature babies , where the baby has perfect support for the head and neck.

If your little one is older than 1 year and you still want to wear it, then go for the woven wrap anyway. This is made of less flexible material and therefore offers more support. You have to be a little handy at knots. There are many ways to do this, and you tie the wrap with your baby already in it. As a result, the cloth is always tight enough, but it is a bit more difficult.

Why do you choose a stretchy wrap?

You always tie the stretchy wrap in the same way † And you only put your baby in it when the cloth is already hanging around you. A bit easier than the woven cloth and that can just be a reason to purchase this variant. With the stretchy variant, it is important that you know that you can only wear it on the belly side , with your baby towards you. Carrying your back is therefore not an option.

You can also use this cloth from birth The only question is how long you can use the cloth. Probably not as long as the woven wrap, since the stretchy variant stretches as your child grows and gains weight. That is possible to a certain extent, of course. The majority of these wraps are suitable to wear until your child is 9 to 10 kilos.

But there are more things to keep in mind.

Read also :Do you already know what a baby costs?

You can make a different choice depending on the temperature

Are you pregnant and having a summer baby? Then we can immediately recommend the woven wrap. Purely because of the temperature. The woven wraps allow more air to pass through and you choose how you tie them. Letting your front cool down by carrying your child on your back is possible with the woven version – this is not possible with the stretchy wrap as we indicated above. So if you also want to carry your baby on your back, go for the woven wrap.

Do you find it difficult to tie a sling?

Do you think that knots are a disadvantage? Then go for the stretchy sling. You can 'button it up'. So one knot, and after that your child can effortlessly get in and out of the sling. With the woven wrap you knot again and again. Yet many people consciously choose this. That knotting becomes a skill in no time, and you can vary with postures. According to some, that is also better for the children.

Vary with your slings?

Do you see the sling not only as a convenient means of transport for your baby, but also as a kind of fashion accessory? Then there is a good chance that you want to vary a bit with the type of slings. In the way of knots, for example, or because you want your wrap to match your look a bit. After all, the eye also wants something! Even then woven wraps are more recommended:they are available in countless colors and designs. And you can tie them in many different ways, which also provides a bit of variation. Or you can go for a woven and a stretchy one, that's also possible!

Carrying feeding is also an option

Do you want to be able to feed your baby while he or she is in the sling? With a woven wrap you remove your sprout from the wrap, which you have to knot again when the last bite is gone. The stretchy wrap is ideal for feeding your baby while it lies comfortably in the wrap. In addition, the sling ensures that you can breastfeed very discreetly – which is nice at some locations.

Your porte mon bebe

And, are you convinced? Or were you actually that before you started reading? Your hands free and yet always your little one at hand, isn't that wonderful? This method of 'transport' is also very practical during a day of shopping or a visit to the supermarket. Also, for example, if you have 2 small children. One in the pram and the other in the sling, what do you think? Would you rather go for a sling next time? Even if you are just at home, such a sling is very nice. For example, cooking dinner or messing around in the house. You can even mop the floor with your little one 'in your pocket'.

There are many different slings available. Je porte mon bebe is such a brand in baby wraps. And we can give away a copy of Je porte mon bebe! It is the stretchable version, which is also ideal for breastfeeding.

Images used via Shutterstock