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Woeffies children's shoes; review and giveaway

Children and shoes. They are hard to come by and often very expensive. The first time I went to buy steppers for my first stepping child, I was completely shocked when I stood at the cash register. Of course I was happy that I could now try the Woeffies!

At the time, I did notice in the store that there were no price tags with the children's shoes, but I just didn't expect that such an amount could be attached. I didn't let myself know and paid obediently, but I didn't step in again. I paid ninety euros then, shoes size 23, and they grew out of it in no time! Joh, I almost pay that much for my own pumps that are really a few sizes bigger.

I make that choice based on the price itself and of course I also try to pay attention to the quality. But if I buy cheaper shoes for Noud, they really wear out faster. So the choice is actually; more cheaper shoes or a pair of more expensive ones. Fortunately, Bristol now comes up with the solution.

Woeffies children's shoes at Bristol

Of course we know Bristol as an all-round store where you can go for the whole family. Ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. From clothing to accessories and from bags to shoes. In addition, the price makes you very happy and that is certainly nice with children who grow out quickly enough everywhere. Not only nice for the children by the way, my wallet is also doing a dance and fair is fair this brand   is changing! I was not quick to step in before, but the choice in the range and the quality have improved considerably, just like Noud's shoes .

Good and affordable children's shoes, and they are fun too! Private label shoes can certainly also be good shoes, they prove that here. Woeffies children's shoes are shoes for toddlers, boys and girls with a good price/quality ratio. They are also often made of leather, did you know that? And I even find them relatively cheap for leather shoes.

Leather breathes well and adapts to the shape of the feet and they are also sturdy. Something we would like for our children's feet, right? Woeffies sells different types of shoes such as sneakers, sandals, Velcro shoes and ankle boots.

Noud was allowed to test them out and thinks that's great! First of all, don't they look super cool? Nice color combination too. The little man is learning colors and neatly points out all the colors with their names, so they are also educational 😉 .

We've been testing them for two weeks now and they're still looking great! Of course with some spots here and there, but what else do you expect with an outdoor play child. Noud's nose always wears out quickly, because he still likes to play on his knees, but it's not too bad for me! I think these Woeffies can last quite a while, at least until he has grown out of them.

Conclusion:I know where I will step in with him next time, we immediately take a look at the women's department 😉 .

Do you already know the Woeffies children's shoes? If not, this is your chance, because we're giving away a few Woeffies! The same one that Noud is wearing here, in a size 25.