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Toothpaste without fluoride, the more I read about it, the more steadfast I become

Toothpaste without fluoride, it is still not a general good, but it is high time to delve into it a little better. A radiant smile, a whitening effect, anti-tartar… we are promised a lot with toothpastes. What  do you pay attention to when using a toothpaste buy? Or do you mainly look at the price tag that is attached to it? That may be the only thing that you really know exactly what it means. Because toothpastes come in many scents and colors. They all have a different effect and different ingredients, one of which sounds even more unknown than the other. But one thing many toothpastes have in common:they contain fluoride † And let that just be a substance that is actually not good for you at all. Want to know more about toothpaste without fluoride? Please read along 😉

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Fluoride: Keep out of the reach of children

It is in most toothpastes and many children receive a treatment with it at every dental visit:fluoride. However, it has long been known that the substance is poisonous. Adding fluoride to our drinking water has been banned since 1973. Then why can it still be put in toothpaste, I hear you ask? We have no idea. In limited quantity, it can certainly contribute to your dental care. Unfortunately, fluoride is not healthy at all for the rest of your body. It can be especially dangerous for children. What about the use for young kids? Toothpaste without fluoride seems more sensible in this case. Also, teach them never to swallow toothpaste. And even if you see on the advertisement (and the photo above) that the entire toothbrush is lubricated:a pea of ​​toothpaste is enough.

Even if a normal person does not swallow their toothpaste, you still get the fluoride. The mucous membranes in your mouth absorb it. Add to that the fact that the fluoride in our toothpastes is a waste product. From, note:the aluminum and fertilizer industry. Prefer a fresh mouth † Then go for toothpaste without fluoride.

The side effects of fluoride

There are also natural sources of fluoride. However, the toothpaste industry prefers the non-natural variant. Do you regularly suffer from sensitive teeth or sores in your mouth? That could just be because of the fluoride in your toothpaste. But there are also consequences of fluoride use that you do not immediately notice. Thus, fluoride can affect almost all organs, affect your ability to concentrate, and cause skin irritations. Just switch to toothpaste without fluoride and see what effect that has.

Lecture by Dental Practice de Liefde

For me, this dental practice is quite a bit out of the way, but the lecture I got from them really appealed to me. They are specialized in biological dentistry. Why? Because they are not so fond of the symptomatic treatment that every dentist practices. In addition to the necessary treatment, they prefer to look together at how it is that you have dental problems, for example. The real care.

During their lecture, the use of toothpaste without fluoride and what fluoride does to your body were also discussed. Through a body scan by one of the assistants, it became visible what fluoride does to your body if you have it in your mouth for 5 minutes, for example. The organs in the chest area are quite upset after 5 minutes (without swallowing the fluoride).

Read also :Brushing toddlers and teeth, a spicy combination

Toothpaste without fluoride from Himalaya

Slowly more and more people are starting to realize that fluoride is not as nice a miracle cure as our tube of toothpaste would have us believe. Toothpaste without fluoride is therefore on the rise. We were allowed to test one:the toothpaste without fluoride from Himalaya Botanique. The brand has been developing natural care products since 1930.

Himalayan toothpaste without fluoride comes in all kinds of different 'flavors'. The toothpaste without fluoride does not give the long-lasting fresh taste that you normally have in your mouth after brushing. When tasting the toothpaste during the event, I had to 'swallow'. brrr. Afterwards it turns out that this was due to the sip of drink I had just consumed. I have 3 tubes at home here and the Himalaya whitening toothpaste tastes completely fine. Fresh (not long-lasting) and not extreme in taste.

The Toothpaste Test

We got to try 3 of their flavors of toothpaste without fluoride for Himalaya. Mint, peppermint and cinnamon. Yes, toothpaste with cinnamon . Did you know that cinnamon has an anti-bacterial effect and can therefore be used in toothpaste? Plus, it's a lot better for your body than fluoride. At Himalaya, artificial additives in care products are replaced by substances of natural origin. Organic, sustainable, gluten-free, healthy and not tested on animals. Moreover, even vegans can brush carefree with it. What else do you want? Indeed, healthy teeth.

After brushing with the fluorine-free toothpaste, your teeth will feel smooth and fresh. The toothpaste without fluoride but with cinnamon flavor takes some getting used to. It gives a fresh mouth, but with a hint of cinnamon. You have to love that and I continue to find that strange myself. After years of brushing with a fresh aftertaste, it's weird to taste something different. The mint and peppermint flavors can be compared to 'normal' toothpaste. Unless you look at the ingredients.

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