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Help with weight loss from the e-coach, about healthy weight loss and more

Losing weight is a problem for many women. And a lot of waste methods have been developed. Erika reached her "limit" and sought weight loss help from an e-coach. She tells more about the advantages and disadvantages of an online program to help you lose weight.

OMG! It really says it:69.9 kilos. I think the scales touched 70 kilos, but out of fright, 100 grams are already off. This is the limit. I just don't want to weigh more than this 70. Okay. Normally pounds don't mean much to me. I'm actually quite happy with myself. Not thick, but not thin either. Full-bodied will cover the load! Are you satisfied with yourself?

Table of contents

Help with weight loss…why?

Every pound goes through the mouth. I rarely turn down a piece of cake, candy or biscuit. While eating I don't think about carbohydrates and calories I have never counted. And drink water…. Drinking 8 glasses of wine seems to cost me less effort than the desired 8 glasses of water a day.

But now, with those almost 70 kilos on the counter, I am seriously scratching my head. Coincidence perhaps, but an advertisement came up on Facebook at that time. From an e-coach. She could help me lose weight by learning to eat more consciously. And drink. I would get some help with losing weight and feel better about myself. Maybe something for me? I don't have to leave the house for it and yet I fall off. Useful! I briefly considered signing up. Were it not that just at that moment the waiter was at our table and I had to pass on my order:“Eine currywurst mit pommes und einem bier, bitte.” winter sports! Then you don't think long about scales, healthy food and the slim line. Then you think of snow, schnitzels and schnapps.

Avoid temptation and forget a line attempt

After this wonderful winter sports week I decided to do something on the leash. During winter sports, hide everything under thick, warm clothing. During the summer holidays there is little more to hide. Then I have to expose my full buttocks! I'm sure, I do NOT want to go over that 70 kilo limit.

The days pass and I go to bed on time at night. This way I am not tempted to dive into the pantry, also a kind of help with weight loss. And then it is Wednesday afternoon and I am having a glass of wine with a friend. Have some snacks and chat. As she refills my drink, I think in alarm of my New Year's resolution from last Sunday. poop! I was on the line. Totally forgotten! Well. Then try. I just let it go and don't think about the line anymore. I can't do it anyway. I will never become such a fit mom as you see them on TV, in beautiful magazines and on social media.

Eating more consciously

But when the ad for the e-coach came up a little later, I decided to sign up. A little help with weight loss can't hurt. Goal:I just want to become more aware of what I eat. Am I eating healthy? I think so, but I honestly have no idea. I want to do this for myself, but also for the children.

Lose weight through remote assistance

An e-coach works very easily. I get an email every day. The content varies from assignments, critical questions to facts. I need to set goals, start thinking about why I eat, and when. I receive links to recipes, meditations and tips. I ask questions in a private Facebook group. Here I can follow how the other participants are doing, I can express my frustration and I have support from my fellow sufferers. This way you have a complete package that can help you eat more consciously and lose weight.

To be honest, in the beginning I found some assignments a bit of a hassle. Keep track of how much I eat, how much I drink. Pfff. But with the help of the right apps and good guidance I made my way through calorie land. My coach allowed me to have a glass of wine or a piece of chocolate. Look, you'll soon be my girlfriend! Life should be fun. It's about the combination, according to my coach. What else do you eat and drink and how much do you exercise? But I also learn that other factors also influence my constitution. Sleep, stress and relationships to name a few.

E-coaching to help you lose weight; the pros and cons

Does an online program to help with weight loss work?

Disadvantages of an online program

The big disadvantage of such an online program is that it is very non-binding. There is no one checking you. You really have to go for it, otherwise it's a waste of money. Because for the money that such an online program costs, you can also buy a very nice dress. Or two. But with a few pounds off, a new dress will probably look better. That's what we're going for! It remains to be seen which size!

Advantage of online weight loss help

I think the big advantage of the e-coach is that you have all the information on paper. Sometimes it is quite a lot, or you really have to let it sink in. Fortunately, you can always read it back. You filter out all the information precisely those things that you can easily fit into your own daily life. Because you see for yourself what is workable for you, it is also easier to keep it up.

What if you don't want to lose weight?

In the month of March, the kilos flew off. Minus three kilos! While I just had a nice meal and drink. Whoops! Losing weight was not the main goal, but I was secretly proud. But then there was a little hitch. The months of April and May were quite full of fun. Dinners, drinks and fun weekends threw a spanner in the works for my healthy diet. Look, I might as well leave a glass of wine or refuse a cheese. But with so much temptation, this was impossible for me. That's what it really felt like. And now say for yourself. After some wine I just don't think about calories anymore. Then I slide in a bowl of delicious nachos with cheese while I'm having a drink with my friends.

100 small steps instead of 10 large

Anyway, the scales called and actually the “damage was not too bad”. Because an important lesson I learned from my e-coach Anouk   is that you have to keep going. That you will get there with 100 small steps. It doesn't have to be in 10 major steps. After a tough weekend or a delicious dinner, I pick myself up again. I used to throw in the towel right away, but now I make a spinach smoothie, bake a vegetable omelette and take a walk after dinner. That's “Health &Wisdom”!

Much of what my e-coach emailed me sounded familiar. Many things are very logical. But sometimes you just need someone to watch with you. Sends you in the right direction or, in my case, gives you a kick in the buttocks.

It is now June and I have still lost two and a half kilos. A nice margin to my limit of 70 kilos. I also feel really fitter and have more energy. What I find very important is that I am now more aware of food without it becoming an obsession. For me the perfect approach to help with weight loss.

My new dress

I have now bought a new summer dress. Or yes, two. Size M. But the most important thing my e-coach taught me is that it's not just your dress size that determines how you look. It is above all a satisfied appearance that makes you shine!

Shutterstock photo scales by Oko Laa