Want to lose a few pounds?
After the holidays, it's always a good idea!
But no need to rush on appetite suppressants!
And it is better to avoid diets of all kinds... Why?
Because you are more likely to lose money than weight!
Luckily my dietician gave me an effective and natural tip to lose weight.
The simple trick is to drink a glass of water with vinegar before each meal . Watch:
1. Fill half a glass of water.
2. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
3. Drink this remedy before each meal.
There you go, now you know how to lose weight without dieting :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It's the little boost that will help you lose your excess pounds in just 2 to 3 weeks.
It will allow you to have a reasonable weight loss, without depriving yourself.
It's much more economical and natural than pills made up of weird products.
Know that you can incorporate apple cider vinegar directly into your diet.
It's just as effective as drinking vinegar water before a meal!
Apple cider vinegar is made from apples.
And this fruit has slimming and anti-oxidant properties.
It is rich in pectin:it is a fiber that increases the feeling of satiety.
It acts as a 100% natural appetite suppressant.
In addition, apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid which promotes fat burning.
It also helps to better control blood sugar levels.
Know that there is no miracle diet.
Beware of scammers who promise you easy weight loss diets with big and fast weight loss!
Losing weight is not easy.
But the best tip is to start by reducing the portions of your meals and eating a little bit of everything.
It is better to eat a little less but of everything. It's better for health and for morale, even if the results are not immediate.
Don't expect dramatic weight loss after a week!
But for many specialists, "slimming" diets are even one of the main causes of obesity in Western countries.
Not to mention that these diets based on supposedly slimming substances can lead to serious imbalances.
Moreover, there are more and more diets and more and more obese people. Weird isn't it?