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IPL treatment; review about permanent hair removal through IPL hair removal

In addition to all the well-known ways of hair removal, you can now permanently remove hair by means of an IPL treatment. Since we have just started winter, this is a good time to start with an IPL treatment in order to be able to benefit from it in the summer as well. I have been on my way with this way of permanent hair removal for several months now and I am happy to tell you more about it.

Do you also want to delve into the flash light method to get rid of your unwanted hair permanently? Then read on about my findings on IPL hair removal and the treatment outdoors in this extensive review.

Table of contents

IPL treatment outdoors for permanent hair removal

First of all I would like to indicate that I have been familiar with this method for some time, since I have already started working with the Me My Elos at home in the past. I was happy with that at the time, but to be honest ... the IPL treatment that you undergo outdoors is a bit more professional.

It is becoming increasingly popular:IPL hair removal. And that is not so strange. It is a permanent hair removal treatment. That may sound more exciting than it is, because who wouldn't be happy with permanent hair removal if you get the chance? I certainly do.

It is not the case that you can get rid of unwanted hair growth with one IPL treatment. On average, 8 treatments are needed and that also varies from person to person. With an outdoor treatment with hair removal via IPM, you should think about a treatment every six to ten weeks. Ready with IPL hair removal? Then your unwanted hair growth is reduced by at least 90%.

Advantages IPL hair removal

  • Permanent hair removal is now possible
  • Almost painless if done right
  • No more stubble
  • Treatment only takes a moment
  • All areas possible

Disadvantages of IPL treatment

  • Reasonably pricey, depending on the provider, but in any case more expensive than a razor
  • You can't do it yourself and have to get out of the house
  • From two weeks before the treatment to two weeks after the treatment, you are not allowed to go out in the sun with the areas to be treated (or treated).

Update Sept 2018:IPL treatment and permanent hair removal

I have now started the IPL treatments again after the summer and guess what? A few things have changed in Eindhoven. This makes the permanent hair removal even more attractive, because you are now ready even faster. There are two interesting changes that I would like to briefly explain to you:

New IPL equipment

The equipment for the IPL treatment was not that old yet, but there is now all new equipment. The advantage of this is that the flash is even faster. The device flashes one after the other and depilating your legs is done in no time.

However, due to the new IPL equipment, there is an even more important advantage that makes IPL hair removal more attractive. Besides the fact that it is faster, you no longer have to stay out of the sun that long!

Where you previously had to stay out of the sun from two weeks before the IPL treatment until two weeks after the treatment, this has been considerably shortened. Now you only have to pay attention to sunbathing 3 days before and 3 days after the IPL treatment. It is no longer even advised that you should not go out in the sun at all, but that you should use a good sun protection factor and of course you prefer to use a natural sunscreen.

Definitive hair removal, how far am I?

I'm not quite ready yet. My last treatment was in April 2018 and now I have only been back in September. Normally I wouldn't let it sit that long, but it was no different. I no longer have to shave my pubic area between IPL treatments. Yes! I hardly shave my armpits anymore. My legs can't do without it for six weeks, but the hair is getting less and less so I'm very satisfied with this too. I would certainly recommend an IPL treatment, even if IPL hair removal is still not really definitive hair removal after a year.

IPL hair removal, what is it?

More and more women nowadays opt for an IPL treatment and permanent hair removal. But what does IPL hair removal actually mean? IPL hair removal is a definitive hair removal method in which the hair is burned away with light impulses. That may sound a bit harsh, but it's really not that bad. During the first treatment there is a good chance that you will not feel it at all. But with each treatment, the intensity of the IPL treatment increases slightly.

Is an IPL treatment painful?

Because the intensity increases with subsequent treatments, you may experience a slight burning sensation with the first light pulses. Especially in the more sensitive places on your body that need to be depilated. This may sound more intense than it is, but I can't say you don't feel anything at a higher intensity, because that wouldn't be fair.

If the intensity is really too high for you, you can of course indicate this to your practitioner and they will lower the IPL intensity a bit. In any case, you will be asked by default how you experienced the last time, so no worries. Subsequently, the intensity of the light impulses is thus increased. Or not, if you indicate that you have suffered from the treatment. But don't worry:an IPL treatment certainly doesn't hurt more than certain other hair removal methods such as waxing.

Also read:I have hirsutism – Excess hair in unwanted places

How does an IPL treatment work?

Perhaps this differs per address, but for my treatments I go to the beauty center Just Wellness in Eindhoven and there it goes like this:

If you have decided to go for IPL hair removal, you will first receive an intake. This one is free of charge. During the intake you will be asked a number of medical questions to ensure that you are eligible for treatment.

Furthermore, it is checked whether your skin and hair are suitable for treatment. If you get the green light, we will look at what your wishes are. There is an IPL treatment for almost every body part. You can think of for example:

  • Depilation of the pubic area (€79.50)
  • Definitive hair removal on the lower legs (€59.50)
  • An IPL treatment for the upper lip (€29.50)

Once you have decided which treatment you want to have done, it will take you about 15 minutes for an IPL treatment and then you are ready. See you in eight weeks 😉 . During the treatment you have to wear glasses against the flashes of light. The practitioner moves the light flash device little by little over the areas to be treated.

Men and women before treatment

Men and women can go for permanent hair removal. However, there is one difference. Women can have their pubic area treated, men cannot. That area of ​​the body is not treated in most beauty centers.

Do the hairs stay away permanently?

In principle, it is possible that some hair growth takes place again over time. This can be a result of hormonal fluctuations in your body, for example. With (or after) a pregnancy, or in case of menopause. If you have chosen 'unlimited treatment' (read more below), you can simply go back.

Also read:6 Tips to shave your legs with super smooth legs as a result

Results IPL treatment with me so far

I think I've had about five treatments so far. I started with my legs and armpits during the first treatment, but then I quickly made the step to permanently depilate my pubic area with IPL. Not completely, because completely bald isn't my thing there, but nice modestly cut pubic hair 😉 .

IPL hair removal from the bikini line, but also the pubic area, I personally still find a bit embarrassing, because you have to lie with your legs 'wide'. But the benefits outweigh the embarrassment for me, it's that simple.

Depilate my armpits

Now after five treatments I hardly have to shave my armpits. I'll do it just before I get another IPL treatment, but that's the only moment left. My armpits are and feel smooth and you don't see any stubble anymore. I also like that last one. If you shave your armpits - even if you do it every day - you will still see a sort of grayish haze because of the short hairs that remain. Not anymore!

Remove my legs with ipl

I have my entire legs treated with flashes. Lower leg and upper leg. Now I didn't have much hair on my thighs, but I thought it would be better to permanently remove hair from the entire leg anyway. And not just mastered. No sooner said than done. The result after five treatments is that I now have no hair at all on my thighs.

My lower legs are not completely hair-free yet. In principle, I now shave it once every 2-3 weeks to be completely smooth again. So that's a big improvement compared to once every three days or so. I also notice that the hairs that are still there are softer than the stubble I was 'used' to. In the intervening 2-3 weeks I even dare to go to the sauna without extra shaving, I had never done that before.

Update February 2020 :to date i am still not hair free on my legs. That is partly due to me, I have not always been consistent with my agreements due to personal circumstances. Since Just Wellness is bankrupt, I can't continue with my treatments there, so maybe I'll look for another one.

Laser my pubic area

Bit personal this, but go ahead. This one has only had four treatments of course. Here too I already see considerable progress; much less hair comes back, that's a fact. I do have to shave a little more often here if I want to keep it completely 'smooth', but the amount of hair has already thinned out considerably. The bikini line itself is therefore already a lot neater and also much less irritated than before, you probably know that irritation after shaving. So also a big advantage. And between my legs it is also longer decent.

I still have a few treatments to go before I reach the eight treatments and I certainly expect an even better result.

IPL treatment costs

Above you could already read a number of prices of treatments (per IPL treatment and per area) if you simply purchase them. For a complete overview of all treatments, I have to tell you that the costs can differ greatly between the providers. In any case, you should quickly start from a few hundred euros per treatment area for about 3 treatments. All in all, that could well get in the way.

At Just Wellness you could purchase an 'area' that you want to have treated at a package price. Depilate your legs permanently for € 99.00, for example. This may seem like a lot, but if you know that this is for an unlimited period of time -regardless of the amount of treatments- then suddenly it is not that bad.

On the other hand, the bankruptcy of Just Wellness is of course a huge damper for many people who have spent money but now get nothing in return.

What does unlimited treatment mean?

As simple as it says. You can then have your legs treated as often as you need. Every six to eight weeks, of course. Suppose you have had eight treatments, and you are satisfied with the result, but after a few years some hairs appear to come back, then you can just go back! You will then receive free treatments again, as many as necessary.

I don't know if other beauty centers also offer this, Just Wellness certainly did.

IPL for other purposes

Apart from permanent hair removal, IPL treatments are also used for other purposes. Many forms of acne can be treated effectively and safely with it. IPL is also used for couperose and spider nevi (small red veins in the shape of a spider).

Do you (also) have experience with the IPL treatment? And do you want to share your experiences?

In order to write this review, I have received sponsorship of the treatments in consultation with Just Wellness. Of course this does not affect my opinion about this method.