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Milk bottles f#ck it, that's how I solve my milk bottle problem!

What a pleasure it is, those first rays of sunshine. Enjoyment with a capital G. But with the arrival of the first days of spring, a slight panic takes over me. What about my milk bottles?  I want nice legs, nice brown legs and if possible from day 1! Well, what woman wouldn't want that? But how do you achieve that?

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My personal milk bottle problem

I love dresses and skirts. In the winter of course with nice tights underneath. When those tights can finally take off after months of cold and rain, I'll be happy as a child! I am finally freed from the ladder problem, which is a serious issue for me. Unfortunately, with the disappearance of the tights, a new problem immediately arises:how do my white legs get a nice touch as quickly as possible? This problem stands in the way of my enthusiasm about the national skirt day.

My legs are not white, I think. But the first time in the year that I go out bare-legged is an experience in itself. If my daughter also tells me, albeit with a smile on her tinted brow, that the white color hurts her eyes, I am inclined to quickly put on a pair of tights. With or without a ladder, it will be a concern to me. Anything better than those white stilts!

Every year I think - too late - how I can solve the milk bottle problem quickly and skillfully. Do you have that too? Then read on. Here are six tips for beautiful tan legs in spring! 

Six tips for beautiful legs and brown legs

  1. Sunbed

Not just your legs but your whole body a touch. That is possible on this couch. The disadvantage is that it is not very good for your skin and you cannot read or anything like that while sunbathing. The big advantage is that you get an even tan and it is not too expensive. But whether that should be the main reason for you, that is the question.

  1. Self-tanner

In other words, “brown-without-sun-cream”. This is a great alternative, but not for me. How people get this nice and even on their skin is a mystery to me. It is fast, not very expensive but does require some skill. Unfortunately, I have never managed to get beautiful brown legs without a spotty result. Perhaps this says more about me than about the good self-tanner creams these days, but this aside 😉 .

  1. Spray tanning

This sprays a liquid with DHA (DiHydroxyAcetone, a natural substance) on your skin. Provided it is done well, this gives a nice, even effect and therefore beautiful legs. There are also real tanning parties that are given at home. Grab a few girlfriends and some wine and spray. Cosiness and brown skin guaranteed. The only point of criticism is the somewhat orange complexion that is sometimes obtained. Ah, who cares. How was it again? “Orange is the new Black? “ 😉

  1. Eat your brown legs

Okay, this option won't work in a few days, but it's worth mentioning. Carotene contains carotene in carrots and tomatoes. This fabric ensures that you tan faster. Tomato juice also contains a lot of antioxidants, which is also very good. Enjoy your dinner! Pssstt… if you also want to lose weight at the same time, just know that carrots also contain quite a few carbohydrates 😛 … it is never good either!

Read also: lose weight by eating low-carb, Linda lost 44.5 kilos!

  1. Skin color tights for beautiful legs

I find it extremely uncharming myself. Fast and not expensive. Personally, this option goes too far for me, but I can imagine that the cold-hearted among us will think about it again.

Just promise me one thing. Never, ever step into a slipper or sandal with tights! There are much better ways to get your (milk)bottles and tan legs without sun…

  1. Pink white legs

This is by far the cheapest, coziest and best solution. Don't mind the white color at all. Set your legs free and let them soak up the sunlight! They will turn brown by themselves, if you just give them the chance!

There is nothing nicer than catching up with friends with your bare legs on a terrace or in the garden while your milk bottles slowly change into beautiful legs with a chocolate milk complexion. Of course, the pants only come off when we have applied a good sunscreen!

pssstttt… don't forget to also make sure to shave your legs in addition to tanning your legs 😉 .

Read also: shaving legs, 6 tips for beautiful smooth legs

Get advice about lubrication

You have to take one tip more seriously than the other as you will understand. It is important that you always apply a good protective sunscreen, suitable for your skin type. This does not only apply to sunbathing in the garden or terrace. You also have to protect yourself well under the sunbed! The drugstore or beautician can give you excellent advice about a good self-tanner, at least better than me. So make use of this. 

Cheers to the sun and skirt day

Now that everything is in order, I think I'll just choose the last option! I don't care what color they are. And I'm sure I'm not the only one with legs in a color that hurts my daughter's eyes.

Bring on the skirt day! Until then I seize the day and try to take every ray of sunshine, although I start safely in my own garden. Slippery from the sunscreen, I carefully lay down on my lounger. A bowl with carrots and tomatoes within reach. Armed with sunglasses on my head and a glass of wine in my hand, my milk bottles already look less white 😉 and my legs are a lot nicer.

And when the national skirt day has actually come, I will toast this beautiful day with hopefully brown legs. And to Martin, the founder of Skirt Day! Long live beautiful legs!

Image used via Shutterstock