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Brown legs without sun:this is how you help nature

Brown legs without sun, perhaps smarter than brown legs with sun. Because no matter how long the weather is nice, my milk bottles have absolutely no idea that it's summer. No matter how much I bake and wear short dresses, those brown legs are hard to find. Do you also suffer from that? White legs that refuse to color a little? Then you can read here how you can get brown legs without sun!

Although I prefer to let Mother Nature do her job, I'm tired of that Duo Penotti look now. So let's give nature a hand! Brown legs without sun? It's possible!

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Brown legs without sun and an even tan:my mission impossible

You pick them out right away:the 'professional' sunbathers. They lie on one side for exactly the same length. The real ones even set their alarm clock. I can run whatever I want. Those milk bottles won't turn brown, even if I would let the kids dig in my entire upper body.

I'd kill for nice brown legs. But unfortunately; they stay behind by default with the rest of my body. Only my buttocks are just a touch whiter. Do you have that problem too? Then go for brown legs without sun. Because if we have to wait for that, we will certainly need 8 more heat waves.

Brown legs without sun, that's how you do it!

Is there less pigment in your legs than in the rest of your body? Or do they simply see less sun as standard than your arms, and therefore do not color them? I owe you the answer. But not the solution! You can create brown legs without sun. Or at least legs that appear browner. Read through the tips below.

1. Scrub for brown legs

It could be that your legs do not want to be tanned because they are not optimally cared for. Do you scrub your legs often enough? Many women are afraid that they will scrub away their 'brownness'. Uncalled for! A scrub is very important to remove dead skin cells and to take care of your skin. Then it will brown a lot faster afterwards. Although you still have to go in for the sun.

2. Hydrate and lubricate

Hydrated skin is healthy skin. And you tan faster! Therefore, apply a good body lotion in the morning and in the evening with, for example, the Dokter Leenarts products. From head to leg. If you really go into the sun, lubricate your legs well with a natural sunscreen. That may sound crazy, especially if you want to get tan. But poorly cared for skin ages faster, and therefore tans less well. So keep greasing!

Did you already do that, but your legs still refuse to change color? Then we have to step it up a notch. With optical deception you can create brown legs without sun in an instant.

3. fake it

Some legs just refuse to tan. Unfortunately I know all about it… In that case you can of course also fake it a bit. Match your clothes to those milk bottles. Light clothing makes your legs appear tanned. But brown tones also work well. Do you still get brown legs without sun! Or at least it seems so. Avoid black clothes:that makes the contrast with your white legs greater. Rather go for a white sneaker. Or an open shoe… in combination with the following tip.

4. Paint your toenails

You won't get brown legs without sun. But painted nails do distract from your white legs! So go for a cheerful color on your nails. Add a brown sandal. And who still notices that your legs are very white?

5. Eat your tan for brown legs without sun

Do you get brown legs without sun from your food? Yes, it is really possible! It will take a while before you start to see the effect of this tip. But certain foods make you tan. Tomatoes and carrots contain beta-carotene. If you ingest a lot of that, you will tan faster. Shall we put a tasty tomato soup on the table tonight?

6. Go for an intervention

Do all the above tips not help? And are you all done with those milk bottles? Then you can always go for a 'human intervention'. Too bad, Mother Nature, but then we'll fix it ourselves. Go for a self-tanning spray, the tanning bed or a spray tan if you want to get brown legs without sun when nothing else helps. Or, perhaps even better:just don't care about your white legs. And enjoy the sun.

Shutterstock photo of brown legs by Syda Productions