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3 Wellness tips to relax like a Finnish woman

When asked what makes them happy, Finnish women often respond with activities in nature, including health-promoting hobbies such as ice swimming, taking a sauna or walking in the forest. No wonder, because Finnish women have very easy access to the tranquility of nature, because:In Finland there are more than 180,000 lakes, 40 national parks and more than 74 percent of the land area is covered with forest – even in the capital Helsinki, there are large areas of forest, some of which have been designated as nature reserves. Below 3 wellness tips to relax like a Finnish woman.

1. A dive in a frozen lake or in the icy sea

Finnish women love swimming in winter just as much as they love a sauna. The magic of immersion in icy water is in the feeling that flows through your body as soon as you step out of the water. Back on land, circulation starts, the body warms up and a feeling of happiness is created. In addition, the brain makes the mood-boosting hormone serotonin together with dopamine and the stress disappears like snow in the sun.

2. Relax in the sauna

The sauna is like nothing else in Finnish culture. There is no chatter in the sauna, real contacts are made and important issues are discussed here. For Finns regular use of the sauna is a must. The sauna has been a place of physical and mental cleansing for centuries, where people literally expose themselves and penetrate to the core of being human. That's why the sauna is a way of life in Finland:toddlers first go to the sauna when they are only a few months old, and women used to give birth in the sauna because it was a room that was easy to maintain, clean and warm.

3. Spend time in the forest

Just 15 minutes in the woods has been scientifically proven to calm your heart rate – which is a wonderfully simple remedy for stress! The Finnish soul has always been associated with the forest, and Finnish women also enjoy the silence of the forest. Here you do not feel alone or lost, on the contrary, it offers protection and peace of mind for the mind. Whether hiking in the summer, cross-country skiing in the winter, picking berries and mushrooms or just a leisurely walk in the forest, these are all popular leisure activities for women in Finland.