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10 Tips for a Good Bra Every Woman Should Know

You wear a bra every day, yet few women consider the fact that the bra is the most important piece of clothing you can have in the closet. Today I am sharing 10 tips for a good bra that every woman should know.

The bra:a brief lesson in the history of the bra

Bras can be found in all kinds of colours, sizes and types in shops such as Hunkemöller. Yet the bra as we know it is only a little over 100 years old! Yet it is not the case that women used to wear nothing. In 2500 BC. Was it normal for women to wear a corset-type girdle? This belt exposed the breasts and pushed them slightly upwards (a kind of push up effect). 300 AD. Roman women wore a strophium. That was a woolen or linen bandage that was tied around the breasts.

In the 14th century some women wore breast pouches. These were pockets sewn to the inside of the shirt. A bandage was worn over this to keep the breasts together. It was not until the 16th century that aristocratic women began to wear a type of corset. The body was made of linen and was supported by hard material such as reed. The actual corset came on the market in the 18th century. Unfortunately, this caused a lot of problems. An hourglass figure was all the rage and caused women, driven by their fear of not being able to keep up with fashion, tying their corsets too tight. This sometimes had major consequences for the organs that came under pressure as a result.

In 1914 Mary Phelps Jacob introduced the first bra. She designed the bra as we know it. She patents her invention, but decides to sell it to Warner Brothers Corset Company. In 1927, Ida Rosenthal invented the cup sizes as they are still used today. Small detail:in the past the cup sizes were also expressed in fruit sizes. For example, an A cup equaled half a lemon, while a D cup equaled half a melon.

The first sports bra was launched in 1977 by Lisa Lindahl. The Jogbra as it was called consisted of two groin guards that were sewn together. Push up bras were already trendy in the 60s, but the big breakthrough came in 1994 when Vogue brought this bra to the attention of women. Nowadays, there is plenty of choice when it comes to bras. You can choose from countless colours, styles and sizes, making the bra one of the most important pieces of clothing in your closet.

Why do women wear bras?

There are several reasons why women wear bras. The most obvious reason is for support and to prevent the breasts from sagging. After all, there are no bones or other support in the breasts. The older you get, the more things start to droop, especially because the skin loses its elasticity.

Fashion also plays a major role. After all, by wearing a well-fitting bra you can create a beautiful cleavage and who wouldn't want that? In addition, a bra can also simply be functional:think of a nursing bra for a mother who breastfeeds her child. Finally, there are also special bras for women who do not want or cannot have breast reconstruction after breast cancer.

10 Tips for a good bra that every woman should know

Now that you know a little more about the history of the bra, you can put the 10 tips for a bra to good use below.

1. Make sure you have the right size

Before you go to the store to buy a new bra, you should measure your cup size and bra size. Your breasts change over the years. This could be due to pregnancy or something as simple as losing weight (weight loss starts with the breasts for most women!). Therefore, measure your chest regularly to make sure you buy the right size.

There is nothing more important than a bra that fits well. Unfortunately, a bra that doesn't fit properly can cause all kinds of problems, including health problems. Neck and shoulder pain, as well as headaches, can be the result of an ill-fitting bra. Research has shown that as many as 80% of women are wearing the wrong size. It does not matter whether you wear a size that is too large or too small. No idea how to find the right bra size? In specialized stores they can help you measure the right size. In addition, on the Hunkemöller website you will find an extensive article with videos to measure your bra size yourself.

2. More than one bra

Have you found a well-fitting bra? Then make sure you buy two of them right away. It is also useful to have bras in different colors. Different styles of bras are also a must. As a result, you have the best fitting bra for every outfit and every occasion.

3. Replace bra

Because you basically wear a bra every day, you have to replace it regularly. Of course, that replacement depends entirely on how often you wear a particular bra. Under normal circumstances, you can expect to replace the bra every 6 months to a year. This certainly applies if you notice that your breasts no longer fit properly in the bra. This may be because your breasts have changed, but prolonged use also causes the bra to stretch and no longer fit properly.

4. Bra maintenance

You can imagine that the bra is a delicate piece of clothing. The best way to keep a bra in good condition is to wash it by hand. If this is not possible, use a special laundry bag for washing. Also sort by color, use a program and detergent for delicates. That way you can enjoy your bra for longer.

5. Wearing a bra while sleeping

Opinions about sleeping with a bra vary quite a bit. According to one it is harmful, the other thinks it is advisable to wear a bra, especially if you have heavier breasts. If you search on the net you will unfortunately not find it. That's why my tip:do what makes you feel good.

6. Choose the style that suits you

As mentioned, there are countless bras to be found. What you choose mainly has to do with your own preference. You can ask your friends and your mother for advice, but in the end you decide for yourself what suits you and your breasts best. Keep the following aspects in mind:is the bra only functional? Do you want a more beautiful cleavage? Do you exercise or do you need to breastfeed? Of course you can change the styles, colors and models.

7. A broken or protruding brace

It happens more often than you think:suddenly an underwire sticks out on the side of your bra! From my own experience I can tell you that this is quite painful. In addition to sticking out, braces can also break. With the latter you can do no more than remove the underwire and sew the bra on the side where you removed the underwire. Does the bracket only stick out? Then you can carefully push it back and sew the resulting hole shut. Keep in mind that this is only an emergency solution. The bracket will stick out again in no time. Time to buy another bra.

8. You really need that many bras

As mentioned before, as a woman you need more than one bra. As a rule of thumb you can use the following:for daily use you need about 1 -2 bras in neutral or skin color and 1 bra of your choice. If you take into account the fact that the bra can only be worn for 2 days, then you should count on at least 3 -4 bras, so that you will never run out when the rest is washed.

9. Change bra every two days and never put it in the dryer

A bra is usually worn for at least 12 hours a day. For optimal hygiene, wear a bra for no longer than 2 days in a row. After this it is time to wash the bra. A bra is not suitable for a tumble dryer. Hang the bra and let it air dry. Store the bra correctly:especially preformed bras should not be folded in half.

10. Invest in a quality bra

Many women buy cheap bras without giving them much thought. However, it also applies to a bra:cheap is often expensive. Rather invest in a good bra that you pay more for than in a cheap one. Cheap bras not only break faster, they often also offer much less grip and do not support your breasts correctly. It certainly doesn't hurt to ask for advice in a specialized store every so often.

Which of the above 10 tips for a good bra that every woman should know did you not know?