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Give yourself a massage

Give yourself a massage

Having a massage is of course the best, but you can also do it yourself. Apply massaging your body lotion after you shower tonight. It helps you relax, it can relieve pain and your skin gets a nice healthy glow.

Do it yourself

No time or money to book a massage? You can create a moment for yourself with a do-it-yourself massage with a body cream or massage oil.

Read also:'The benefits of a massage

Neck and shoulders

Slowly turn your head from side to side and back in a semicircle. Inhale as your head moves forward and exhale as your head moves to the side. Do this from right to left as well. Then squeeze the neck between the fingers and palm of one hand, starting at the top of the neck and working over the shoulder to the upper arm, always with a squeezing motion. Then grab the top of the head with one right hand and gently pull it to the side towards your right shoulder. At the same time, lower the left shoulder down. Then switch hands and shoulders.

Belly and buttocks

Rub your hand over the abdomen in circular movements, preferably in a clockwise direction. You can alternate it:first with the right hand, then with both hands and finally with the left hand. Wipe from the center of the abdomen to the sides with your hands. Then stand in a slightly splayed position and knead the skin from the hips to the buttocks and the tops of the thighs with a firm hand. It promotes blood circulation and that ensures a more beautiful skin.

Legs and feet

Tap the outside of both legs down to the ankles with a clenched fist. With the same gesture you come back up on the inside of the legs. Then sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward. Grab one foot with both hands and slowly rotate the ankle left and right. Then do this with the other foot. Then press firmly with one hand on one sole of the foot while the other hand restrains the top of the foot. Then massage the entire sole of the foot with the thumbs of both hands and finally pull gently on your toes. Do this on your other foot as well.

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