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Full lips make you younger

Full lips make you younger

Women with full lips have a younger appearance, even when they have wrinkles and age spots, according to a study by Unilever.

Researchers looked at 102 women between the ages of 59 and 81 from the Netherlands, and 162 British women between the ages of 45 and 75. The women with a young appearance often appeared relatively full lips to have. “When we identified the people who looked young for their age , we especially noticed how their lips differed from other women,” said lead researcher David Gunn.

He also concluded that in women over the age of sixty, the lip thickness can differ greatly. He saw lips from 3 millimeters to 2.2 centimeters. Children often have relatively full lips in proportion to their face. The growth of the lips stops around age 21, after that the lips start to shrink † How much your lips shrink is genetically determined.