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Black makes you look older

Black clothing may make you look slimmer, but it is not a panacea. In fact, black clothing makes us look older.

Color experts say the darker colors of the clothing emphasize wrinkles and blemishes on the face † Also dark circles under your eyes and the chin becomes more visible through a dark fabric.

"Black clothes bring out the worst in your face," said clothing expert Jules Standisch to NY Daily † According to her, the skin of only one in five women is good enough to wear black without it having a adverse effect on appearance

According to Jules, imperfections, wrinkles and dark circles are most emphasized when the fabric is worn close to the face like a turtleneck or a jacket with a high collar. When you wear a colored scarf with your jacket or turtleneck, the black already makes you less old. Also clothing with a low neck emphasizes the imperfections in the face less.