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Sports routine:how to stay in shape during this season?

The end of the year is often the season when you start to reduce your sports activity time, especially because of the less clement weather. It is true that the temptation to fall for a women's sweatshirt for this winter on Place des Tendances, to have an on-the-go look for a morning run, it makes you want to!
Because with the arrival of the cold, we feel more tired than during the summer period. Indeed, when the body begins to enter a “hibernation” phase, keeping the motivation of the sunny days to regularly practice your favorite sports routine is not an easy task. So that from the start of the school year in September, weight gain is almost inevitable for some people. As for the body, each fall, it feels a vital need to “let go”. Thus, find an optimal physical well-being here are my tips .

Sports routine:how to stay in shape during this season?

Sports routine – Boost yourself naturally!

After the summer, a period more conducive to outdoor activities and physical exertion, all kinds of joint discomfort can appear. Indeed, the joints have been used a lot and may have suffered some damage. Therefore, in order to keep your good resolutions this fall by continuing a sporting activity without suffering a drop in diet; herbal medicine supplements are good allies . Thanks to a careful selection of plants and natural active ingredients of optimal quality; they promote joint well-being. And for this, the brands rely on detoxifying and regenerating compositions using iconic ingredients such as:

  • Turmeric :also called Indian Saffron, this root has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its benefits on joint health, thanks to its antioxidant content called Cucurminoids.
  • Marine collagen :helps maintain the suppleness and elasticity of the skin and also promotes the good health of ligaments, joints, bones, muscles, tendons, etc.
  • Black pepper :its anti-inflammatory action reduces muscle pain as well as edema during bruises.
  • Vitamin B5 :it has a beneficial effect on energy metabolism during physical exertion.

The roadmap for this fall 2019

Sports routine:how to stay in shape during this season?

– Bet on raw vegetables! They contain natural enzymes that aid digestion. The ideal is to combine them with foods rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements .

– Become knowledgeable about food associations . In the same meal, avoid combining alkaline foods (sweet) to acidic foods . Why ? Since the addition of these two families of foods slows down digestion. For example, red meat (sour) with french fries (alkaline) is not a good food combination. This combination will cause a phenomenon of fermentation (risk of pain in the intestines).

– Eat at the right times. To absorb glucose (sugar) in the blood, you have to wait about 4 hours between each meal. The cause ? Sugar blocks fat burning throughout this period, which is not favorable for keeping a dream line... Moreover, to calculate your ideal weight, it is necessary to achieve a BMI.

– Avoid industrial products if possible . Give maximum priority to natural, seasonal ingredients, preferably organic and not processed by food additives.

With all these tips, you will have a sporty &pleasant Autumn 2019!