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Why Wear a 7 Chakra Bracelet? Virtues

7 chakra bracelets are attracting more and more interest. In addition to being very aesthetic, they are credited with many virtues for physical and mental health. What are they ? Why wear a 7 chakra bracelet? Presentation of this lithotherapy jewel stimulating the chakras.

What is a 7 chakra bracelet?

The body is moved by energies , both at the level of the body only spirit , both of which are interconnected. According to Hindu precepts, specific points on the body are like wheels of energy:the chakras.

7 in number, they can be open , letting the energy flow freely, or on the contrary closed , leading to blockages and disharmony, a real and more or less felt malaise.

A harmonious functioning of the chakras is therefore essential on a daily basis to feel good.

A 7 chakra bracelet is made of natural stones with a lithotherapy effect .

They are of 7 different colors, each of them being associated with an identified chakra, as this site specializing in 7 chakra bracelets details very well.

Wearing such a jewel on your wrist would have the effect of balancing these energetic cogs, keeping them open, neither too much nor too little.

7 chakra bracelet:its effects

The 7 chakra bracelet is said to be in connection with all the chakras.

It can be worn on the wrist to feel better if an internal imbalance, mental or physical, is felt. Or it can be worn as a support, to keep the right balance and stay in top shape.

It's about fighting negativity to make room for positivity , both in terms of ailments and behavior.

Also, the shades of colors sported by the bracelet makes it a pleasant jewel to look at. The contact of natural stones is also very sweet, like a return to basics.

What are the 7 chakras?

7 chakras are distributed throughout the trunk of the body . Each of them is associated with a color. They are complementary and must be opened in harmony for the well-being of body and mind.

Muladhara, the Root Chakra

The Root chakra, or Base chakra, Muladhara in Sanskrit, is located in the pelvic area. It represents rootedness, in other words stability and security. The part of the body where it is located echoes life. It is associated with the color red. On a chakra bracelet, it can be brought by Ruby, Hematite, Jasper or Quartz.

Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra, or Sex Chakra , Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is located near the sexual organs. It influences the relationship with others, soothes relationships, finding a balance. Pleasure Center , it influences certain dependencies. It is associated with the color orange . On a 7 chakra bracelet, Svadhisthana is represented by Amber, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone or Moonstone.

Manipura, the Solar chakra

The Solar Chakra, or Stomach Chakra , Manipura in Sanskrit, is located in the region of the solar plexus, towards the navel. It stimulates self-confidence, charisma. It is also at the center of emotions. Balancing the Solar Chakra Rolls Back Fear , doubt, shyness, anger. It is represented by the color yellow. The stones used on the 7 chakras bracelet to symbolize Manipura are Citrine, Pyrite or Topaz.

Anahata, the heart chakra

The Heart Chakra, Anahata in Sanskrit , is located in the chest. It echoes feelings and love in the broad sense of the term:towards oneself, towards others, in friendship as in passionate love. The balance of Anahata helps to find the inner peace . It is associated with the green color , brought to the 7 chakras bracelet by stones such as Emerald, Jade or Aventurine.

Vishuddha, the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra , Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is located in the throat and helps speech to be free . He encourages the truth and the expression of feelings, with benevolence. It also contributes to listening to others. Vishuddha is associated with the color light blue , which nature provides us with through stones such as Aquamarine and Turquoise.

Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra , Ajna in Sanskrit, is located at the level of the forehead, between the eyebrows . It helps to mobilize his knowledge. It also boosts the imagination and the perception of its environment, in other words consciousness and intuition . Ajna is symbolized by the color dark blue, indigo . To balance Ajna, the 7 chakra bracelet carries Lapis Lazuli, Azurite or Sapphire.

Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra, or Summit Chakra , Sahasrara in Sanskrit, is located at the top of the skull. This refers to the divine, to spirituality. It helps to take distance, to see things from another angle. His color is purple . The 7 chakras bracelet carries Sahasrara through Amethyst or Rock Crystal.

Where to wear the 7 ckakras bracelet?

The 7 chakra energy bracelet can be worn on the left or right wrist, depending on preference.

  • Left , he interacts on his person, with less stress, more creativity, dynamism.
  • Right , it helps to combat the harmful effects coming from outside .

Purify and recharge your 7 chakra bracelet

If such a jewel can help harmonize your chakras and find well-being, its effects will be optimal if it is recharged with energy and purified.

The purification of the bracelet aims to eliminate the negative energies accumulated by the stones over time. Expose it to the waves of a Tibetan bowl, cover it with earth or let it rest in a scallop , high in symbols, is enough to get rid of it.

To recharge , it is enough to expose it regularly to the light of the Moon .

The 7 chakras bracelet draws its virtues from Nature. It is very pleasant to wear, as much for its felt effects, although specific to each person, as for its pretty rainbow colors.