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How to champion girl power in your dressing room

Do you claim your feminine values ​​loud and clear? With the wave of hashtags sweeping the planet, the girl power trend is more present than ever. Women also have the right to power and voice. Displaying your ideas to defend the non-sexualization of women also means standing up and speaking out for a whole generation to come.

And since fashion is a true means of expression, why not integrate a little girl power into your wardrobe ?

Messages, claims and power attitude, there are many ways to display your girl power on clothes .

From subtle message to direct message, here's how to put some girl power in your women's wardrobe . And all with a good dose of style!

What is girl power?

Interplanetary cultural phenomenon, the Girl Power is a movement straight out of feminism.

Widely popularized by singers, actresses and other celebrities like Britney Spears, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Girl Power has gone viral and taken over the Instagram sphere in recent years. No one can ignore Beyoncé and her famous "How run the worlds?" Girls “,

Girl power brings together and supports women who want to advocate for equality with men and denounce the sexualization of women in today's society.

Yes, women have the right to positions of responsibility, respect and any other equivalent rights with men.

We also see the evolution of mores in politics and in public speaking where women are more and more present.


Faced with this major movement, beauty and fashion brands are seizing the phenomenon to create advertising campaigns and position their ideas.

The Benefits cosmetics brand will thus dare to launch its campaign "Boss brows" , a campaign to highlight women committed to different causes.

The fashion world is also getting involved by creating a new fashion trend:the girl power advocated on its clothes .

Feminist women icons , assertive messages, trendy t-shirts and sweatshirts display gratifying messages such as "seductive" "endearing" "unique" "tremendous" etc.

Some brands even make it their Trojan horse by basing their entire marketing strategy on girl power.

How to adopt Girl power in your dressing room?

Feminine illustrations

The trend is so strong that some illustrations are enough to convey a message .

A subtle, less provocative fashion than a traditional embroidered "GIRL POWER" message.

Flowers, female faces, intertwined female hands and super woman overtones, you have many options…

Feminist messages

If you want to display your ideas clearly in the eyes of the world, you will do so not without difficulty.

Indeed, countless message t-shirts and sweaters have opted for feminist messages this year. You will inevitably find a message that speaks to you and that resembles you. "Girls do it better" etc.


Adopt masculine pieces

Girl Power in your dressing room also involves more subtle messages. Ties, XXL blazer, suit and shirt with a closed collar, or how to assert your claims by wearing masculine pieces .

In summary:

Want to show off your ideas on your clothes? Good news, girl power goes through several styles:

  • T-shirts with messages.
  • Feminine illustrations.
  • Masculine/feminine style in fashion.
  • Feminist messages on your sweaters, jackets and other tops.