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12 benefits of blueberry

Today considered a "superfruit", the blueberry brings many benefits to the human body. It owes this name to its high vitamin C content, which makes it one of the most energetic fruits compared to its low caloric intake. Whether fresh, frozen, in powder, juice or jam, its richness in antioxidants make blueberries one of the fruits that should be consumed regularly. The benefits of blueberries are numerous and we will discover them throughout this article.

Fight against cancer

Just a few years ago, several researchers became interested in the health benefits of blueberries. Once completed, this research demonstrated that the consumption of blueberries made it possible to prevent certain cancers. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it would in particular slow down the development of breast cancer. In addition, regular consumption could also reduce the risk of metastasis when cancer is developing.

Limits weight gain

If the idea of ​​a diet or food rebalancing has ever crossed your mind, you have surely seen blueberries appear in the list of foods to eat. And for good reason, in addition to being very tasty, the blueberry has very good dietary qualities:

  • Low calorie;
  • Low in sugar
  • Rich in water and fibre.

It is therefore in your interest, if you want to limit weight gain, to favor blueberries in all your meals.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

In addition to being rich in antioxidants, blueberries contain large amounts of magnesium and potassium. You should know that these two minerals help the heart regulate inflammatory processes which can ultimately cause heart disease.

By consuming blueberries regularly, you reduce the risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure. In addition, it improves blood circulation, which helps oxygenate the heart to allow it to beat normally.

Treats digestive disorders

In blueberries you will also find tannins, this plant substance acts as an anti-diarrheal. The consumption of blueberries will reduce stomach pain, but also reduce intestinal spasms. Last point, it acts as antibacterial on the intestinal flora, which promotes good transit.

Boosts the immune system

Bilberry's high antioxidant content helps boost the immune system, especially prerostilbene. This antioxidant also helps fight infections.

Improves night vision

The benefits of blueberries on vision have been recognized for many years. Legend has it that during World War II, British airplane pilots improved their night vision by consuming blueberries, mainly in the form of jam.

According to several studies, it has been shown that the vitamin A present in blueberries promotes the adaptation of the eye in the dark. In addition, its consumption would reduce eye fatigue as well as degenerative eye conditions and inflammation of the retina.

Fight against cell aging

In addition to its richness in antioxidants, the consumption of blueberries helps fight free radicals that are responsible for cell aging. It is thanks to the high rate of anthocyanins that this is possible. In addition, these bioactive substances manage to reduce reactive oxygen molecules, which are responsible for several pathologies such as diabetes or overweight.

Regulates blood sugar

If it is not the favorite fruit of the French, the blueberry is the favorite berry of diabetics . And for good reason, the latter promotes the good management of sugar by the body and thus, a healthy pancreas. To reinforce the benefits of blueberries on blood sugar, it is possible to drink an herbal tea with blueberry leaves to further regulate blood sugar levels.

Conserve memory

Thanks to the natural presence of flavonoids, blueberry can act directly on the brain as a neuroprotector , while limiting the onset of degenerative diseases. People who regularly consume blueberries increase the number of connections between neurons and slow down the loss of brain function. According to several studies, the benefits of blueberry would stimulate the regeneration of neurons.

Strengthens bones and teeth

The minerals naturally present in blueberries help protect the health of teeth, but also bone density. Indeed, according to researchers, regular consumption of blueberries helps prevent dental infections, as well as osteoporosis.

Fights urinary tract infections

This time, it's not the berry itself that offers its benefits, but its juice version. Indeed, blueberry juice is rich in antibacterial compounds, is very useful for treating and preventing urinary tract infections. By regularly drinking blueberry juice, the naturally present microorganisms will proliferate. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect that helps relieve pain.

Not to mention that the consumption of blueberry juice helps promote the production of urine, which helps eliminate waste present in the kidneys.

Protects muscles

By doing moderate or intense physical activity, the muscles are damaged by microlesions. Thanks to their richness in polyphenols, the benefits of blueberries help protect muscle cells from oxidative stress.

How to take full advantage of the benefits of blueberries

To end this article, here are our final tips for you to fully enjoy the benefits of blueberries:

  • Take the right dose, around 100-200 grams of fruit per day or 30-60 ml of pure juice;
  • If it is a complementary treatment for eyesight, count about 500 grams of fresh fruit or 500 ml of pure juice;
  • Do not combine it with dairy products to reap all the benefits, or with vegetable milk (soya, almond, rice, oats, etc.).