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3 tips for a bright comeback

The years pass but the observation remains the same, at the start of the school year, it is difficult to get back into the bath and the skin always takes a big hit. Here are our 3 tips for getting back to good habits and sporting a luminous complexion.

1# We rebalance our diet

The sun contributes to our good health but prolonged or too frequent exposure also induces harmful effects and in particular an excessive production of free radicals. The latter promotes skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles and spots.

To fight against your summer excesses and rebalance your skin, help our body by consuming antioxidants . As soon as we return from vacation, we therefore make sure to drink enough and find a healthy, varied and balanced diet, our body will immediately be less tired.

At the same time, we increase our consumption of colorful fruits and vegetables and in particular goji berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, carrots, eggplant, tomatoes and red peppers. It will also promote better skin health.

This is also the perfect time to incorporate antioxidant treatments into your beauty rituals, such as the organic remineralizing neoserum from Guérande or the organic super antioxidant serum from Beautanicae.

2# We take care of our skin

As sun exposure progresses, the epidermis thickens to better counter UV rays. On the other hand, the sebum no longer circulates properly and accumulates in the pores with the impurities:this is the famous push of pimples at the start of the school year.

To remedy this, no need to have a heavy hand on chemical scrubs, prefer a gentle homemade sugar scrub for example and a sebum-regulating organic jojoba oil to get rid of dead cells, without promoting the production of sebum.

In your beauty routines, favor organic and natural products. Organic firming face cream from Olala Cosmétique enriched with damask rose floral water recognized for its regenerative action , in gold-bearing algae with anti-aging properties and organic argan oil with antioxidant properties , acts on the hydration, elasticity and firmness of the skin.

In addition, use the Folies Royales organic eye contour care rich in royal jelly with restorative properties to treat your eyes.

3# We relax even during back to school

Stress is oxidative and promotes the appearance of pimples, it is essential to take a break every day to relax. Take a deep breath, visualize beautiful vacation memories, and practice a relaxing activity such as yoga or meditation.