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Zen tip:Empty my dressing room!

A closet overflowing with clothes is often a source of stress. This month, I suggest you clear your wardrobe in order to see more clearly and start the day on the right foot without an existential crisis of "I have nothing to wear" and without wasting time on the basis of multiple try-ons.
Looking at your closet you might say ok... but where do I start?

Step 1:

Take everything out of your closet and spread out all the clothes on your bed.
If you haven't already, separate the summer and winter clothes and store the summer clothes in a crate or vacuum bag. It will be time to do a new sorting next spring.

Step 2:

With winter clothes make 4 stacks:

Heap 1:I like this garment, it suits me well, I wear it often

Heap 2:I like this item of clothing, I don't really wear it, it's true... but I might find it hard not to know it's in my wardrobe anymore.

Heap 3:This garment will be perfect when I lose/gain 5kg, when I change my hair color, when I like fuchsia again, when it becomes fashionable again.

Pile 4:This item of clothing has holes, pilling, damage, a stain from bleach or felt.

Step 3:

Heap 4 goes straight to recycling, bye bye.

Heap 3 will be donated to an association or sold for the prettiest pieces.

Pile 2 is stored in a crate, under your bed for example.

Pile 1 is stored in the cupboard. The ideal is to store all your clothes on hangers. This makes it much easier to make outfits in advance.

Step 4:

After 2 months reopen the box under your bed. Take a good look at what you have put there. If you really missed items, they have the right to return to the wardrobe. If not ? Direction sale or donation.

That should make your life easier.

If you want to go further, it is also possible to create a capsule collection.
In this case I recommend that you for fall winter select between 30 and 50 clothes and accessories for the fall winter season. The goal is that all its elements can be assembled and mixed together to create multiple outfits for the whole season, without having the feeling of always wearing the same thing.

For example, select 4 pants, 4 skirts, 4 dresses, 8 tops, 4 sweaters, 4 jackets and vests, 4 scarves, 4 pairs of shoes, 4 accessories of your choice (hat, gloves, etc.).
The goal being that everything can be mixed, you will have to favor neutral colors (black, gray, brown, camel, ecru, burgundy, navy) and add a few more colorful or more printed touches (tops, scarves and accessories).

It's the perfect time to see what's really missing, a black sweater, a white shirt... and to make your perfect wish list for the sales that will avoid cracking up on improbable (but not expensive) things.

Your mornings will be much more zen...

Kat from cheapbutchic