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The made-to-measure dressing room:the ideal solution for storing your clothes

A handbag here, a new pair of shoes there, the latest trendy blouse and there you are again with new nuggets to add to your wardrobe! To properly organize all your clothes and have a dressing room worthy of that of a fashionista (or at least to put some order in it), we choose the custom-made dressing room option. ! A personalized dressing room that perfectly matches our needs and allows access to all of our rooms in no time. Gone is the display of T-shirts, blouses and pants where you never find anything. Make way for organization and a well-thought-out wardrobe.

How and why have a custom dressing room to store your clothes ? We give you our advice!

The made-to-measure wardrobe:every woman's dream!

Whether you are an addicted shopper or not, we must admit that a well-organized and tidy dressing room makes everyone dream. And if we're not all lucky enough to have the Devil Wears Prada dream closet, we all have an armada of fashion pieces to stash.

Shoes, belts, tops, pants, skirts, dresses, accessories, the made-to-measure wardrobe offers the ideal storage solution to have all your treasures close at hand. A look as a whole allows you to quickly see what fashion associations you can make. No need to go to the living room to pick up your pair of shoes to see if they go with this or that little dress.

And if you thought this option was reserved for seasoned fashionistas, think again. Having clear visibility and well-organized storage is what many people want. There are plenty of reasons!

Saving time in the morning, optimization of space, possibility of easily creating your custom closet...

For you or even your children, the made-to-measure option is that of practicality and storage.

The advantages of made-to-measure wardrobes

Have you always been tempted by made-to-measure wardrobes, without ever taking the plunge? Let us explain to you why this storage solution is more than advantageous on a daily basis.

A dressing room in its image

The first point in its favor is that it is totally customizable. Sliding doors, standing or overhead mirrors, drawers, wardrobe, shoe storage, bench seat, each element is customizable according to his needs. Furnishing specialists like Schmidt also offer ingenious solutions to create every corner of your wardrobe.

Thus, if you are more supplied with dresses, blazers and blouses, you will therefore need to provide a wardrobe large and high enough to accommodate your favorites. Similarly, some women like to have their shoes handy so they can try them on with their outfit. Others will favor drawers or practical storage to separate clothes by type, color or other type of organization.

A neat decoration

Second positive point in favor of made-to-measure wardrobes, it allows to optimize space , to decorate the room to your liking and to take care of its decoration . So, whether you have a bedroom in the attic or a small narrow room with the only possibility of a corner dressing room, you can rethink the optimization of space so as to bring your clothes together in a single closet. It's much prettier visually and more practical for finding your outfit in the morning!

The durable option

Often, people don't make the cut because of the cost. Obviously, having a dressing room done has a cost! But isn't this solution economical when it comes to having a single large piece of furniture adapted to your room and allowing you to install your entire wardrobe?

With a custom dressing , you can even go so far as to choose the materials and certain finishes. So you are getting a solid and durable piece of furniture who crossed time with you! Your clothes, meanwhile, are neatly stored, without being wrinkled or damaged at the back of a closet.

Did we inspire you with our custom dressing story? It's normal, we even imagine ourselves with a new coat and shoe closet in the entrance! But in the meantime, we are already going to start by reorganizing our closet, sorting through our clothes and seeing what we need to create the dressing room of our dreams!