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The 3 activities of a sporty autumn!

Autumn has arrived with its cool mornings and sublime orange foliage. Well, we're not going to lie to each other, this season is synonymous with cold and work. It marks the end of the summer period when everyone was beautiful and well tanned. But there is no question of snuggling up in very warm wool without moving until spring... It's the ideal season to start taking care of yourself, with the healthy habits of the Box BIO BelleauNaturel and also to start a sporting activity.. At the time of wood fires and hot chestnuts, here are our ideas for sports activities to enjoy the fall and fill up on energy.


In Autumn you will face the first frosts of winter. With a bit of luck, your running outings will fall just as the sun comes up. Otherwise, cover yourself properly and do not hesitate to start warming up at home. Mobilize your muscles and joints well with small ranges of athletics such as with series of heels-buttocks, knee raises, chasing steps or running backwards. These small motor skills exercises will allow you to warm up your muscles and avoid injuries.

Good to know:half an hour of moderate running burns about 300 calories. In Autumn, the body burns more calories to fight against the cold. So don't hesitate...Run!


Walking is a great way to keep fit. Walking promotes blood circulation, tones the leg muscles and helps fight cholesterol. Go for great walks in the forest alone or with your family. Take the opportunity to pick chestnuts or teach children to recognize trees and mushrooms.

Wear comfortable sneakers or walking shoes. I also advise you to opt for the onion technique. The idea is to wear three layers of clothing:an undershirt to absorb and wick away perspiration, a sweater to retain heat, and a windbreaker in case of rain.

The bike

In Autumn, we take out our bike for long and beautiful rides before the arrival of winter. This is an opportunity to oxygenate and enjoy the last rays of sunshine.

Dress appropriately for the weather. Keep in mind that it is better to be a little cold at the start of the ride, because after a few good pedal strokes, you risk getting too hot.

The extremities of the body are the parts most vulnerable to the cold. Put on good socks, gloves and a hat. You can also slip shorts under your pants to keep warm.

Plan your route in advance to set a goal in terms of distance, but also to avoid getting lost. Check your bike and take something to help you out if you have a flat tire. If night begins to fall, wear a yellow vest to stay visible to motorists. Last thing, take a snack with you. Fresh or dried fruit, a granola bar or yogurt drink and water will do just fine.

And, if the cold puts you off, you can always take refuge in a gym or a fitness club and go about your favorite activity.

For the most cautious, autumn is also the time of cocooning so let yourself go without feeling guilty:massages, exfoliation, hot bath with essential oils... Everything is good for pampering yourself!

The blog of Sarah Ourahmoune, world boxing champion.