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No to animal testing

Man has long used animals for experimental purposes. Yet the animal is a being endowed with sensitivity that feels fear, pain and sadness. If in some areas of activity alternative solutions are studied or even tests are prohibited, the fact remains that animal suffering continues while more ethical standards are desired.

Where are we on animal testing?

Since March 2013, Europe has finally applied the positive decision to ban animal testing for the manufacture of cosmetics. This includes both the ingredients and the finished product itself. It also guarantees this security for products sold and imported into the European Union.

But what about outside? Some countries like China continue animal testing. We can indeed sell an untested cosmetic in China which, once in the country, will be. This is where the approach is incomplete, because how could a brand defending a cruelty free approach agree to be in Europe but not elsewhere?

With regard to research on human health, a report from the European Commission reported that 11.5 million animals were killed during experiments in European laboratories in 2011. France is unfortunately at the top of the list of this hecatomb. . However, several experts do not fail to denounce the inconsistency of these tests which cannot be adapted from animals to humans.

Judge for yourself:the biological mechanisms of animals do not all work as they do in humans. Thus, certain foods or substances will be fatal to the animal while the man will be fine and vice versa. The same goes for dosages. Under these conditions, how could we continue on this path? For different examples attesting to these contradictions, I invite you to read point 5 of the 10 lies about animal experimentation of the Antidote Europe scientific committee.

Towards alternative and cruelty free solutions?

Man seems to be the best candidate for his own health, knowing that certain biological processes within him need to be studied through his whole organism. However, promising solutions that do not involve animals are currently being studied, such as the use of cells, tissues and organs from post-mortem donors or 3D printing.
