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4 beauty and fitness tips to steal from Jessica Alba

Why did we decide to use Jessica Alba as an example in this article? Because at almost 35 years old, the American actress is still much talked about by the freshness of her beauty and displays a dream figure despite two pregnancies. She is also known for particularly appreciating organic and natural cosmetics. By the way, did you know that she had created two online stores for children (the honest company) and for beauty (the honest beauty)? So there's no way we're missing out on her best beauty and line tips. Confidence for confidence, we tell you everything.

4 beauty and fitness tips to sting

to Jessica Alba

Her secret for an hourglass figure

To be honest with you, she announced that she had regained a slender body quickly thanks to the wearing of a sheath. Not a big fan of sports (And that reassures us, she's like us :-)), she nevertheless pushes herself to do 1 hour several times a week and if possible in a group to motivate herself. Her favorite exercises? Running of course for cardio, sheathing for muscle building and various martial arts. To relax and gain flexibility, she does not hesitate to practice yoga sessions.

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It's all about the plate

Jessica Alba is very concerned about her line so she avoids ready meals and favors a balanced diet, but above all rich in fruits and vegetables as well as white meats and fish. On the other hand, she loves to drink green smoothies.

A fresh complexion no matter what

But how does she keep that luminous complexion that we so envy? Well, by simply devoting yourself to a little ritual morning and evening. It's about taking good care of your skin by cleansing and moisturizing it properly. And when we say hydration, we mean hydration! A good cream makes her happy. A scrub to renew the cells and also drink plenty of water during the day:2 liters!

Shining hair

Our last beauty tip stolen from Jessica Alba concerns the maintenance of her hair. She likes to take care of it herself. For this, she mixes olive oil with avocado, which she then applies just to her tips.
