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Tattoos:how to prevent them from stretching?

Tattoos are sometimes put to the test by changing bodies. But rest assured if you are concerned, the professionals of this particular art do not lack tips and advice to preserve them as well as possible.

Weight gain, aging, friction, pregnancy... As time goes by, it becomes difficult to keep a tattoo as flamboyant as the first day. But solutions exist, especially upstream, according to professionals . Like for example Jen, who works at East Side Ink. In the video above she gives tips on how to keep your tattoo from stretching.

Choose the right tattoo and area

Yes:with the passing years, the chances that your tattoo - of which you were so proud at the very beginning - will become much less shiny only increase. Your skin will decide for you how your tattoo looks.

Aging and weight gain will be the worst enemies to fight. Don't worry, you can take – or regain – control! First, to prevent your tattoo from being affected by the moods of your skin, think about where you are getting your tattoo. For these gentlemen, weight gain requires, the belly is not recommended, as are the arms for athletes and bodybuilders . As for women, it is the areas of the thighs, buttocks or arms that are to be avoided.

The parts of the body that age the best would be the back, the shoulders, the ankles or the calves because in these places, the skin generally remains taut throughout life, as Allodocteurs asserts. Avoid having your hands tattooed and favor tattoos deep in the dermis.

What if it's already too late?

Do not hesitate to take care of your tattoo and do not minimize this step. Cocoa butter and vitamin E will be its best allies, as RTBF claims. If ever kinds of cracks are found on your patterns , it will still be possible to save the furniture, with a little touch-up at the tattoo artist.

Radical solution, tattoo removal. But there again, there is a double catch:time and money, according to Santé Magazine. Regardless of the laser used, you will need several sessions and long months, for amounts ranging up to 400 euros per session . And yes. On the color side, avoid green and blue, which are very difficult to remove.

For those whose skin has stretched due to weight gain, there is always a solution:slim down, as Jen advises. And with a little luck, the tattoo will return to its original shape. If everything has failed, your weight gain or simply your growing age has permanently deformed your beautiful tattoo... All you have to do is accept it. Divert it, cover it up, or even create a new story for it. A little creativity, damn it!