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Products for a traditional Moroccan hammam

Products for a traditional Moroccan hammam

Kessala, this is how we call these women present in the hammams and who know perfectly the traditional Moroccan hammam.

What products to use for a hammam in Morocco?

In Morocco, the tradition is still valid even if every Moroccan family has a modern bathroom. Thus, it is not uncommon to see a group of women with a bucket full of essential hammam beauty products. Among them, there is the natural black soap from Morocco and the kessa glove. They can also bring natural ghassoul with them. for skin and hair.

Use natural black soap from Morocco

In the Hammam, there is the kessala which can help with all stages of the procedure. After moistening the skin, she applies the natural Moroccan black soap “Pâte d’olive " above. Before letting it act for a few minutes, she will perform a few gentle circular massages.

This natural black hammam soap based on argan and olive oils allows a natural and gentle cleansing without sulphates.

Rub with the kessa glove

The kessa scrub glove comes after letting the olive paste rest on the skin. Made of very soft materials for the skin, it erases it without attacking it.

The kessa glove and the black soap are the products for a traditional Moroccan hammam successful.

Find them in our “Essential of the Hammam box. » accompanied by ghassoul or natural clay from Morocco. As a gift in this box we offer you a typical oriental pumice stone.

Traditional Moroccan hammam rooms

The traditional Moroccan hammam consists of 3 to 4 rooms where each room has a different temperature. The first is often the one with the lowest temperature while the last can reach 40°C.
The kessalas bring water, erase the women, the children, and ensure the proper functioning of this magical place.
Inspired by the baths of ancient Greece and according to history, the Muslim prophet Mohammed developed the Hammam around 600 years after Jesus Christ.
This steam bath took on religious significance, symbolizing the purification of the body in Islam.

From an early age, children accompany their mothers to the Hammam. This space is an integral part of the social life of Orientals.
This feeling of purity and well-being that this bath brings is, according to the kessalas, exceptional. So much so that they call him the "silent doctor".

The benefits of the Moroccan hammam are obvious and praised by the local population but also by foreigners. In fact, after each session, the skin is smoother, lighter and feels “airy”.
Read more about the benefits of the Moroccan hammam .