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Sports enthusiasts:Weleda accompanies you

Playing sports is a very good thing for your health, finding the right products that can support you in your sports routine is even better. And good news, it's far from incompatible. Weleda has developed products for sports enthusiasts , you can find a selection of brand products on Nuoo:washing solutions, hair products, dedicated treatments, massage oils, etc.

Sports enthusiasts:Weleda accompanies you

Sport:what benefits for the skin?

In addition to doing good for the whole body, acting on stress and increasing self-confidence, sport is beneficial to our skin, why deprive yourself of it?

Goodbye fatigue and hello good looks!

After a good sports session, our body has evacuated some of the toxins and stress. We sleep better, sleep is more restorative, but it is at night, during our sleep, that skin cells regenerate best, our features are rested and our face is fresher when we wake up! When you practice a sporting activity, the heart rate increases, blood circulation is accelerated and you sometimes feel a little hot! This heat is not useless:it acts on the good health of the skin by boosting blood and lymphatic micro-circulation local. As a result, the skin is better irrigated and the skin tissues are better nourished. The skin is softened and the complexion more radiant !

Sport to cleanse and firm the skin

Why cosmetics for sports enthusiasts?

Care dedicated to the needs of athletes

If sport is good for the body and the mind, the skin deserves special attention. Physical activity makes the skin of athletes more vulnerable :perspiration dehydrates, shoes and clothes can tend to rub the epidermis, frequent showers can irritate the skin, etc. Athletes have every interest in turning to dedicated, energizing, relaxing or revitalizing treatments .

Organic cosmetics, what advantages?

It is possible to combine treatments dedicated to athletes and green attitude:the brand offers organic and natural cosmetics which do not hinder performance, take care of the health of athletes and offer a session of well-being to the skin! Weleda brand products are cruelty-free:they are not tested on animals. Prefer products of natural origin to conventional cosmetics! Cosmetics with active ingredients of biological origin let the skin breathe, their specifications are more demanding, the natural ingredients, of vegetable origin , are preferred, toxic components are eliminated for a natural beauty.

The labels are a guarantee of transparency and quality, respect for the athlete and the environment are taken into account, Weleda has chosen the NaTrue label . Natural cosmetics are more suitable for frequent washing and are suitable for all skin types, you can wash without fear after your sports session. weleda cosmetics are organic and gentle:all members of the family can use them, even babies!

What beauty routine for athletes?

Before a workout

If you practice yoga or jogging, your body does not need the same preparations, nor your skin! If you practice a sport outdoors, the first reflex to take care of your epidermis:the application of sunscreen! Sports enthusiasts with sensitive skin , we do not forget it! You can have reddened skin from the sport itself, but sunburn should not be part of your sports routine! If you practice a sport outdoors when the temperatures are rather cool, opt for a moisturizer! The moisturizing cream will be an excellent protective barrier for your skin, you can apply it on your face or hands. Also remember to choose a suitable deodorant.

After sports activity

It is likely that your workout has made you sweat! Don't let sweat on your skin. Go in the shower, wash your body and your face and treat yourself to a good shampoo! ! The Sport Weleda shower gel waiting for you! Enriched with Arnica, this washing solution will do you the greatest good! The tube format is practical, you squeeze and enjoy the gelled and transparent texture, a boost for the body! 100% of the ingredients are of natural origin . If you prefer a good bath after your sports session, the brand suggests that you adopt the Sports Recovery Bath with Arnica . This concentrate of medicinal plants and essential oils accompanies athletes after exercise, this Bath soothes, calms, relaxes and comforts, feelings of fatigue and stiffness dissipate!

Sports massage to comfort the body

To evacuate tension and soothe the body, the sports massage is perfect ! It is adapted to the expectations and needs of sports enthusiasts. Massages have many benefits for the body, and not just for athletes! We work on the tensions in a targeted way. Weleda has developed an Arnica Massage Oil , a precious ally to avoid aches after sport and better eliminate organic waste, essential oils, organic vegetable oils and Arnica reinforce the effects of the massage. Pour a few drops of Oil into the palm of your hand, massage your arms, legs, feet, neck, joints, hands , … This beauty routine will do your body a lot of good!

Sports enthusiasts:Weleda accompanies you

Targeted treatments to pamper the body

Weleda's sports range offers specific products to pamper certain parts of the body after sports. The Relaxing Foot Cream takes care of the feet often put to the test. Copper Tonic Gel relieves tired legs . You will find a wide variety of products and treatments from the brand, the whole family can enjoy them and sports enthusiasts will find a whole range of treatments, massage oils, washing solutions and deodorants! A natural beauty routine to accompany physical exercise.

And you, what are your cosmetic habits after your sports session?