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Why choose an organic anti-dandruff shampoo? - NUOO

Why choose an organic anti-dandruff shampoo?

To get hair care effective, opt for organic and natural cosmetics turns out to be essential. NOOO invites you to discover the entire collection of shampoos, then choose the organic anti-dandruff shampoo that suits your needs. Why choose an organic anti-dandruff shampoo? Its properties are much more advantageous than those of a conventional shampoo. In addition, the effectiveness of this biological product is significantly higher. Want to know the details? We explain everything in this article.

Choosing an organic anti-dandruff shampoo according to dandruff

You suffer from a scaly condition and you're ready to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo. Alas, a question arises, which one to choose? To answer this question, it is important to know what type of dandruff needs to be treated. There are two kinds of dandruff that can appear on the scalp:

    • Dandruff dry :White and light scales on the dry scalp . They are due to a lack of hydration in the hair.
    • Oily dandruff:These are large yellowish patches, more difficult to treat than the previous type of dandruff. They promote bacteria and produce severe itchiness . Their appearance is due to excessive secretion of sebum.

In order to fight against itching and eliminate dandruff , it is best to consult a dermatologist and determine the type of dandruff that concerns you. Then you can choose the shampoo best suited to your situation. If it is dry dandruff , the shampoo must be able to restore the correct balance of the hair fiber , hydrate the sensitive scalp and relieve itching .

If, on the contrary, you are a victim of oily dandruff, the shampoo must contain properties capable of acting as a regulator , in order to regulate the production of sebum. It should also neutralize dandruff and allow hair to breathe better. Opt for an organic shampoo preferably, the results will be more satisfying compared to conventional skincare formulas.

The differences between natural and classic shampoo

The natural origin formula organic shampoo is more effective than the classic, the latter can attack and cause irritation in the hair fiber . There are various cases where the substances of conventional shampoos further intensify the existing symptoms in the sufferer. On the other hand, the organic anti-dandruff shampoo soothes the scalp because it has mild surfactants, completely harmless and derived from different plants.

Thanks to the natural ingredients it has, the organic anti-dandruff shampoo is the ideal solution to fight dandruff, have beautiful hair tonic and healthy , but also to restore hair strength and fight against itchy scalp. On the contrary, conventional shampoo contains many synthetic components such as phthalates, phenoxyethanol, silicones or even parabens, which present a real danger to the health of the scalp and directly affects the ecology.

As for the use, the natural anti-dandruff shampoo is applied in the same way as a classic shampoo. However, for more efficiency it is essential to follow the label of your shampoo. In most cases, the steps are limited to wetting the hair, applying, massaging the scalp and letting it act the product, then rinse at the end. The application time varies depending on the shampoo chosen. To obtain stronger hair, complete these treatments with masks or conditioners is the best option.

Hair care:the benefits of anti-dandruff shampoo

Organic anti-dandruff shampoo has many benefits that should not be overlooked, allowing you to offer your hair better health and giving you more enjoyable use. Here are some of the benefits you can claim by opting for an organic anti-dandruff shampoo:

    • Quality hair growth:When a natural routine sets in, we see hair growth in a few days. Stop applying sulphates integrated in chemical shampoos, can increase the speed of hair growth, improve their quality and make them more healthy . This results in less damaged hair, so cuts will be reduced. Which comes to see a longer hair quickly.

    • Prevents hair loss:Hair requires hair nutrients in order to stay in good condition. The natural anti-dandruff shampoo replenishes all of these nutrients using the ingredients it has, allowing your hair to stay strong without damaging it.

  • An ecological product:One of the most important advantages is the impact on the environment. The water used in homes is discharged into nature or treated in order to be reinjected into the consumption circuits. When the water thrown into nature is mixed with the chemical elements of conventional shampoos, the environmental impact is significant, with organic shampoo this impact is greatly reduced.