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My super anti-blemish trio

Never two without three! The trio of treatments made up of La Canopée black cleansing jelly, Evolve rainforest anti-blemish serum and Indemne "Unbutton me" lotion makes your little skin irregularities shine through, but it's for the good of you. your mine!

And whether it shines...or not!

The first step in this anti-blemish care routine is cleansing. Attention, skin with imperfections and oily skin does not mean "dirty skin"! It is very important to understand that the overproduction of sebum is a natural reaction of the body to protect unbalanced or sensitized skin areas (by external aggressions, hormones, etc.). It is therefore strictly forbidden by the law for the protection of sensitive skin to use a scouring and abrasive cleanser which gives the impression of cleansing the skin but which will weaken it all the more. Then bet on the Black cleansing jelly with purifying active ingredients La Canopée to free you from your pimples and blackheads. Composed of soothing essential oil of fine lavender and purifying essential oil of tea tree, it helps eliminate imperfections without attacking the hydro-lipid film of the skin.

Find your balance

Sensitive, blemish-prone skin is temperamental. While some areas of the face will tend to shine, others will be dehydrated and tight. The Rainforest Anti-Blemish Serum responds to this problem by harmonizing the balance of the epidermis. The Acai berry extract present in the treatment will activate the regeneration of skin cells while the natural active ingredient of Copaiba will calm inflammation and redness of the skin. Finally, it is the white willow bark that will work throughout the day to keep the skin healthy and pure. A rebalancing teamwork that allows your complexion to find a new radiance.

Smooth, clear skin!

Give your skin a cocktail of purifying active ingredients! The Undamaged Unbutton Me Lotion concentrates revitalizing carrot seeds, astringent cinnamon bark, nourishing hemp vegetable oil and antibacterial lemon essential oil to get rid of blackheads, microcysts and pimples. A rather quick quest because the results are visible from 7 days. The boost your blemished skin has been waiting for!