Recently, Madonna opted for a brand new hair color which, to put it mildly, surprised more than one on Instagram! A publication revealing her all botoxed and with her candy pink hair slicked back, the primary purpose of which was to draw the attention of her fans to a very serious subject:politics.
So this time we have an explanation for her transformation, but most of the time, it's on a whim and for no particular reason that the stars decide to treat themselves to a hair makeover.
Being a celebrity offers the possibility of changing your mind much more easily than ordinary mortals, it must be said. Try to see to go shopping with a pink hairdo like Jared Leto or a straight 80s mullet cut, not easy huh?
Hair fad more or less successful, we let you judge for yourself.
Also read:
Hair:what are the trendiest hairstyles in the world?
Before / after:these stars who no longer have the same face
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