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Hair:chamomile would be the perfect ingredient to lighten it naturally

For all those who do not want to go through the hairdresser's box before going on vacation, but still want a little hair refreshment, natural solutions exist. When the good weather comes, we would like to lighten our hair a little, make it less dull and give it pretty highlights. But then, what should be done without having to resort to a scan? Several recipes from grandmothers have already proven themselves. Lemon juice, cinnamon, honey… but also chamomile tea. Whether for brunettes or blondes, with a little perseverance, you can get great results!

Rinse with infused water

The method is quite simple:just boil some water and infuse it with two or three chamomile tea bags. Then, when shampooing, wash your hair normally and then use the cooled chamomile infused water as your rinse water. To accentuate the effect, it is ideally advisable to stay in the sun for half an hour right after. The operation is to be repeated as many times as desired until visible reflections are obtained. Used very regularly, the trick would save up to three tones compared to its base color. What if we are reluctant to use chamomile as rinsing water? It is also possible to pour the infusion into a vaporizer and use it as a spray, several times a day (it's even more practical and faster). Are we testing?