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A hair stylist does his wife's hair every day to spend time with her

Matt Fugate and Laura Gammel, two New Yorkers, have busy lives:he is a hair stylist and she is the communications director of a development agency specializing in creative strategies. With their busy jobs and busy schedules, it is sometimes difficult for them to enjoy each other. So, to start 2017 off right, they made a nice resolution:spend more time together. For this, they had a great idea, which Laura revealed on Instagram:“Our challenge for 2017:get up earlier, spend more quality time together, and have my hair done every day of 2017 by Matt. The young woman concluded her message with a hashtag that says a lot about her couple:#coupleswhobraidtogetherstaytogether ("Couples who braid together stay together")!

Strengthen the couple

Since then, Matt and Laura get up 30 minutes earlier every morning. In addition to allowing them to share privileged moments, this new habit has other advantages:Laura always has her hair done, while Matt can stimulate his creativity! And obviously, their couple is only reinforced. On February 14, Matt made a beautiful declaration of love to Laura on Instagram:“Happy Valentine’s Day to the love of my life, Laura. You are the reason why I am the man I am today, I am so grateful to be in love with you! “, could we read. Enough to give ideas to overbooked couples!