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The useful trick to know your ideal hair length

Summer is coming and with it a desire for change or novelty at the hair level. But let's not be too impatient because the rush could lead to a disappointing result. Before going to the hairdresser to get a new haircut, thanks to John Frieda, we can determine our ideal hair length with the 2.25 inches ruler. . To do this, you need a ruler and a pencil. Place the zero of the ruler vertically on the earlobe and the pencil horizontally under the chin so as to form a right angle. If the pencil indicates a measurement less than 5.7 cm it means that we are made to have short hair. Conversely, if the measurement is greater than 5.7 cm, long hair is made for us. Not bad right?

Volume and hair contouring

This rule is based on the correct proportion of volumes. That is to say that if the face is a little elongated, having long hair would suit us better, on the contrary, if the face is less elongated, short hair is more suitable. Little extra trick, you can also practice hair contouring to adapt her hair color to the shape of her face. The London hairdresser offers to balance his hairstyle according to the face. So let's get started?