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Dark blond coloring, instructions for use on dark hair

Dark blond coloring:which technique to adopt?

There are several ways to go from brown to dark blonde. For example, you can choose the radical solution, which consists of completely coloring the hair (often with prior bleaching) with a dark blond color. Another technique:a gradual lightening by making blonde locks all over the hair, and repeating the operation very regularly, so as to lighten your shade a little each time. This method requires a little more patience, because you will not go from brown to dark blond immediately, but it has the advantage of guaranteeing a natural result. Ideal for women who are afraid of too drastic a change or who want to be able to go back if the result does not please them.

Dark blonde color:precautions to take

If you have really very dark hair, for example brown or completely black, it will surely be essential to bleach before going to the dark blond coloring step. The best, in this case, is to entrust your hair to a colorist hairdresser:it will surely save you some disappointments. He will not only be able to carry out your bleaching, but also your dark blond coloring in complete safety, and with professional products that will take care of your hair. No risk of turning orange or canary yellow!

Dark blond color:regular maintenance is essential

If you had a brown or black base, and you opted for a dark blond color, you can imagine:you will not escape the root effect! Your roots will inevitably be visible after a few weeks. You will therefore have to go very regularly to the hairdresser for touch-ups. Think about that before you take the leap! And if you're still in doubt about your choice, don't hesitate to use our makeover tool!