Family Best Time >> Beauty & Style

Wednesday's question:I (already) have curls, but they are soft! Help!

Step 1:Heal

We do not wash them every day (otherwise they are too light and become foamy), twice a week is enough. We choose a shampoo for dry hair and / where curly. We systematize nourishing treatments on the lengths (never at the root =it gets greasy). They are flexible:leave a hint of conditioner (=do not rinse everything out). They are curly:apply a mask in small quantity on towel-dried hair and do not rinse! This will weigh them down, bring in the small scales and give them a smoother look (goodbye mini-frizz). We do not rub them under pain of breaking the curl and the volume but we simply pat with an absorbent towel or with Kleenex.

Step 2:styling

We apply a specific "curly hair" styling which will sheath, coat and leave less freedom to the hair (=does not collapse under the weight). We keep a light hand and we distribute well, thinking of going inside the mass (if we only put it on the covering wicks, it does not work). We put the head down then we crumple the hair with the fingers to give them nervousness. Always head down, use a hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle, on the softest ventilation position (the stronger it is, the more it relaxes the curl). Finally, we do not load with a fixing spray, a curl is beautiful when it moves naturally.