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Lips:O help, they are always dry!

Thinner than on the rest of the face, the skin of the lips produces neither sebum nor sweat. In winter or spring, it's panic:here they are (even more) dried out because of the wind, the cold, allergies and colds (we breathe through the mouth which produces air movements amplifying the phenomenon) . The worst ? We often have the impression of putting balm back on every 5 seconds without anything doing it (like a bandage on a wooden leg). To reverse the trend, "we favor balms formulated with natural products (and in particular vegetable oils and waxes) to avoid the occlusive side of certain formulas which protect, of course, but have a long-term dehydrating effect", explains Alexandra Chopard, pharmacist*. Our favourites:sunflower oil, beeswax, heather honey, apricot kernel oil, oily extract of St. John's wort... We could eat this delicious, healing, soothing and ultra-nourishing balm. Beekeeper's beautiful lip balm, Ballot-Flurin, €16.50

* author of "No longer being tired, it's smart", Quotidien Malin Editions