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Body positive:a growing phenomenon

The body positive phenomenon, what is it?

The body positive movement works to recognize and accept all body types. Round, small, too big, the goal is that there are no more distinctions. It is therefore reflected in the respect of different morphologies and in the love of one's body. Body positive was popularized in the 2010s via social networks and originated in 1996 with an association launched by two Americans.

Some ready-to-wear brands are now trying to include body positive in their communication campaigns, in order to be more representative of different body types. In this line, large sizes are developing, even if they are still confined to certain brands.

Recently, an ad for women's underwear featured models looking like Everybody. The posters therefore present diverse women with heterogeneous measurements and of all ages. After all, the model size is not the most common. Normal sizes for women are between 38 and 44 and not between 32 and 36.

Apply body positive, the first step in self-acceptance

To apply the positive body, you will have to accept yourself as you are, with your physical qualities, but also your faults. To begin with, the mirror exercise is interesting. It allows you to focus on the points that you appreciate about your body, contrary to what you tend to do naturally. Take the time to observe yourself honestly. Make your benevolent spirit work in the place of the critic to enhance your complexes. Also think about what they bring you on a daily basis. For example, women with small breasts have the advantage of being able to sleep on their stomachs. If this is your favorite position for a good night's sleep, realize that you might not be able to with larger breasts.

And to motivate you even more in your approach, do not hesitate to relay it on social networks and to get in touch with the "body posi" community. It is also by supporting each other that we manage to move forward in life.