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Rosacea:how to treat it effectively?

What is the origin of rosacea?

Rosacea is manifested by thick and persistent redness on the face. It mostly affects fair-skinned people. This dermatological disease has a vascular origin:the vessels of the face undergo hyperactivity and consequently the blood stagnates. However, it turns out that the causes of this anomaly are not yet scientifically explained. Other than that, some people are predisposed to getting rosacea.

It is especially individuals of the Nordic type, that is to say having light skin, eyes and hair, who are predisposed to the disease. They are more sensitive to UV rays, and react less well to low temperatures. In addition, the presence of certain bacteria on the face, such as Demodex Folliculorum, can also cause rosacea.

Some tips to avoid rosacea?

To prevent the appearance of rosacea on the face, here are some simple gestures to adopt:

  • Always protect yourself from the sun:apply sunscreen during the day, put on a hat and dark glasses every time you go out in summer…
  • Avoid foods that are too hot and/or too spicy;
  • Do not drink alcohol;
  • Avoid excessively hot baths, extreme sports in the heat, exposure to heat sources;
  • Hydrate the face well;
  • Use appropriate, alcohol-free care and make-up products.

Rosacea:what are the effective treatments?

Rosacea treatment First of all, it involves quality medical monitoring. The best care usually depends on the severity of the symptoms, but also on the frequency or the permanent nature or not of the appearances. Indeed, it is also necessary to target the treatments according to the origins or the triggering factors. For example, rosacea in the papulo-pustular form responds well to local treatment with ointments and creams prescribed by the dermatologist. That caused by vascular anomalies must often be taken care of through lifestyle and dietary rules to be adopted on a daily basis. There are also pulsed dye laser treatments for particularly persistent cases.


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