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Cosmetics:the mentions "without" will disappear from July 2019

The Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority (which regulates advertising to be fair, truthful, healthy and respectful) has updated its regulations regarding cosmetic product claims. This update, which will come into force on July 19, 2019, brings changes in particular with regard to the mentions "without" (paraben-free, silicone-free, sulphate-free, perfume-free, etc.), which will no longer be mentioned on the products. Instead, it will be indicated "with" such an ingredient or active ingredient, to "contribute to a positive image of cosmetic products", indicates the ARPP website.

Make room for healthy competition

This change in legislation is also intended to put an end to the unfair competition induced by the mentions "without", which can indirectly denigrate similar products which contain them. For example, sales of products mentioning "paraben-free" increased by 2.3% in 2017. And according to the ARPP, "messages must not be built on denigrating arguments targeting one or more product(s) competitor(s). So from July 19, 2019, we will be able to see more positive mentions on products, which could also encourage cosmetic brands to change some of their compositions.