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3 criteria for choosing eco-responsible shower gels and shampoos

Today, more and more brands are selling shower gels and shampoos with clean formulas, which are as good for our skin as they are for the planet. We list 3 criteria to pay attention to if you want to buy body and hair products that are eco-responsible. We've even selected brands to have in your bathroom that meet at least 2 of the 3 criteria (to discover in the slide above).

A biodegradable formula

Eco-responsible shower gels and shampoos are above all in their formulation. Today, there are compositions with 96, 97, 98 or even 99% natural ingredients. 100% cannot be achieved today in liquid formulas because no one has yet found a natural alternative to preservatives and emulsifiers (which cause products to foam under water). But for solid soaps and even powdered formulas, it's all good! Having a maximum of natural ingredients in the composition allows the formula to be more biodegradable and does not pollute once evacuated in the pipes. Even if organic is not everything, having a Cosmebio or Ecocert certified product is a guarantee of the traceability of ingredients. We also ban silicone from formulas, because it is not biodegradable (all words in -cone of the list of ingredients).

A recyclable and recycled bottle

A clean formula is good, but if it is so that it is offered in a non-recyclable plastic bottle, itself offered in a plastic or plastic-coated cardboard overwrap… no thank you! We therefore pay attention to the containers of our products and we favor those that are sold with the least possible packaging, and whose plastic is recycled (it is indicated above). If possible, containers are given a second life by reusing them (for laundry purchased in bulk, for example). Yves Rocher's good idea? Offer shower gels and shampoos in "compressed" format and a more concentrated formula, which allows you to have the equivalent of 40 showers or 30 shampoos in a 100 ml format, which reduces the use of plastic by 33 to 50% and production of greenhouse gases.

A product made in France

Products made in France are to be preferred if you want to adopt an eco-responsible approach (especially if their composition is clean). Why ? Quite simply because their carbon footprint is lower:they require less transport than a product manufactured on the other side of the world and which will be imported into France by plane, truck or boat (=less CO2).