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DIY:how to make your own soap

We are tired of finding in the list of ingredients of everyday products these barbaric names which remind us that parabens or endocrine disruptors are everywhere... 60 million Consumers underlines the increased need for transparency for consumers with regard to the components of our products. So why not make them ourselves? No more excuses, we've found the perfect recipe for making your own soap!

The ingredients:

1 liter of water

70 grams of Aleppo soap

2 tablespoons vegetable glycerin (which deeply nourishes the skin)

10 drops of grapefruit seed extract (can't smell more relaxing)

15 to 20 drops of essential oils (to choose according to our needs)


First, we wash the utensils… and our hands!

Grate the Aleppo soap and boil the liter of water in a saucepan.

Then add the soap crumbs to the water and mix well, until the soap dissolves in the water.

Remove the pan from the heat and continue to stir the mixture for a few minutes.

Add 15 to 20 drops of essential oils, then 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin and finally 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract.

Mix well then let the soap cool in a container. There you go!!

Easy and cheap, who says better?