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When to take food supplements?

The right timing? It is impossible to give a valid answer for all dietary supplements. There are three main families:health, beauty and well-being. Those called health (circulation, digestion, urinary comfort, etc.) are to be taken in response to a pathology. Beauty food supplements are most often taken in anticipation, before summer or as a slimming cure, for example. Finally, those that improve well-being (sleep, stress, vitality, etc.) can be taken either in reaction or in anticipation. The change of season is also a good time to take these supplements, because this is when the body is most tired (due to temperature variations, time changes, etc.) and natural defenses are reduced. .

In cure or not? Again, it depends on the dietary supplement. The so-called beauty products (sunscreens, hair and nails, skin, slimming) are to be taken as a cure for several months (generally three), because it takes at least a month for the skin and hair to show an improvement. For the others (circulation, sleep, digestion), we respect the duration recommended on the box. If no improvement is seen, consult a doctor.

Can we take more than one at a time? Before mixing several types of supplement, ask the pharmacist for advice. This avoids overdoses of certain elements or bad interactions (we look carefully at the labels). And we do not exceed the dose prescribed on the box:the product will not be more effective, we will just pay more...

Thanks to Laurent Mermet, Marketing Director France Naturactive.