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Fashion:velvet is back!

It is impossible to miss this new trend which promises to be essential for the autumn/winter season. Little clue? This is a material that was particularly popular in the 1990s… Velvet, of course! Everyone has known these little velvet camisoles that often stopped above the navel (the 1990s oblige) or even the big darlings that adorned ponytails... Well, the material is making a comeback! We thought it was aging, outdated, but whether on the catwalks or in the biggest ready-to-wear chains, velvet is everywhere.

Stack in the fall colors

And we must admit that it is perfect:its often dark colors go perfectly with the autumnal landscape. Burgundy red, bottle green, purple, navy blue... There's something for everyone. The material undeniably brings a touch of elegance and in addition, it keeps you warm! Guaranteed effect if it is worn in touches:shoes, blazer jacket, top with short or longer sleeves... Some have dared the total look, and it is clear that the rendering has its little effect. We let you be the judge!

And men's version...