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Fashion:the meaning of the tab on the back of your shirts

Have you ever noticed that there are little tabs on the back of all your shirts? And these elements, discreet, nevertheless have a real utility somewhat unknown to all.

The Americans give it the name "locker loop ". This little tab that you often find on the back of your shirts has a history and above all, a meaning.

An indication of the romantic relationship of its owner...

In the 1960s, in the United States, it simply allowed American students to hang their shirts on the hook in their locker room during physical education lessons. A few years later, the locker loop has a whole new utility as it serves as an indication of an individual's love status.

If a person cut off the tab of their shirt, then it meant that they were in a relationship, said a few years ago Today magazine . Even though these two uses have become obsolete nowadays, by tradition, the tab continues to be sewn into the back of shirts. By the way, if you're also one of those people who hate folding their shirts, here are some tips that just might save your life.