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I want clothes that match my personality

Feel good in your head and in your skin:we should also say good in your clothes! Yes, because according to Youmna Tarazi, expert in "visual coherence and self-magic", our clothes not only allow us to feel good AND in addition to affirm ourselves, internally and in the eyes of others. Clearly, to be even more fulfilled and to throw it all the way! Only good.

We also want, we want! But how do we do it, Youmna?

Say, Youmna, what are clothes that really "fit us"?

Already, we must realize that man is the only mammal on earth to wear clothes. All day and even at night, they are there, against his skin, in the reflection of the mirror, in the eyes of those around us... So inevitably, these clothes will influence the way we feel, to affirm ourselves as well as the view that others will have on what we release.

Feeling good in your clothes, therefore, means feeling confident, serene and fully in yourself, which is what others necessarily feel. We are bright and full of energy. All our beauty is revealed. Besides, you surely feel it when you put on certain outfits, while others on the contrary make you feel "suffocated" (there, we will rarely be on top during the day).

Clothes and us, so it's a love story?

It's an intimate story in that they "stick" to our personality, to our inner being, to our energy. More than fashion, they must follow our way of life. So yes, for some it can be something very fashionable but for others not necessarily. The important thing? It is to be totally yourself. And without falling into the extravagant, being yourself necessarily attracts attention, because you are luminous, you feel good and you can feel it.

Is that "self magic"?

Exactly ! Your outfits allow you to reveal the magic that is in you! When I say "magic", I mean your own "beauty" and "strengths". These resonate best with shapes, fabrics and colors that suit you. Moreover, the play of colors can bring us a lot and boost us.

Colors, boosting? That is to say ?

When we say of a person that he is "light" or "a real sun", we are assuming that a person gives off what is called "a light". According to Metamorphosis®, a discipline in which I was trained, there are four types of lights, golden or silver, which bear the names of the four seasons. In each range, we find all the colors (red, blue, green, etc.), in the right "tone", which bring the person their "own strength".

For example, red is known to bring dynamism, blue to help communication, green to help us listen to our body... There are a multitude of reds, blues and greens, some of which will suit you better, to your skin, your character. Moreover, every week I decline on my site and on my newsletter a color, its symbolism, explaining how to exploit it.

But then, how do we make our super wardrobe?

On my site, I offer a free booklet that offers you "5 keys to inhabiting your ideal outfit". First stage ? Sorting out your wardrobe by throwing away/donating anything that doesn't fit (outfits you feel bad in, never wear, keep "because it was a gift"). Then, we meet again, in all benevolence, we treat each other to sweetness and we do each other good. Having a good mind is necessary to then have a clear enough mind to find the right outfits.

Then you have to find your color range (golden or silver? Spring, summer, autumn or winter? Crossed by air, water, earth or fire?), the type of material that suits your skin and the cuts that suit you, among the 3 existing ones:the line (for "guides"), the diamond ("mediator") and the circle ("unifier"). Each choice will reveal a lot about your personality and allow you to assert it even more, to help you feel even better.

Finally, you will need to do a "recap" and understand "your shadow parts" to get to know yourself better. It is therefore a real in-depth work, through which I accompany my clients...and in particular the entrepreneurs, who must build an "authentic" image and adapted to the professional world at the same time.

But all that is super expensive, right?

It is true that redoing that wardrobe represents a cost. But 1/ you can do it little by little, 2/ you buy a few more expensive and better quality "safe bets" rather than tons of cheap but unsuitable clothes, you save money quickly, and 3/ you can customize our outfits, dyeing them, adding lace, etc. Once we have our "identity card", it's up to us to play...and shine!


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