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Coronavirus:will hair salons reopen on May 11?

While during this confinement the temptation is great to improvise hairdresser, a question arises now that May 11 has been officially announced as the date of deconfinement. Will hair salons be part of the services authorized to reopen and therefore should we wait to regain their know-how instead of attacking our hair integrity?

Asked this Tuesday, April 14 on France Inter about this possibility of reopening, the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner indicated that if "restaurants and cafes, which are places of strong promiscuity will be excluded, with regard to hairdressers and florists, the objective is that these businesses can be opened ".

A reopening on May 11 remains "premature »

A logically vague answer since we know that everything is conditioned on the positive evolution of the health crisis. "We are awaiting confirmations and details ', delays at HuffPost Luc Héry of the National Council of Hairdressing Companies (CNEC); the latter for whom the question of a reopening on May 11 remains "premature » as long as the security guarantees for professionals and customers have not been decided.

However at present, it would seem that, although being ERP (Establishment open to the public), hairdressing salons will be able to reopen on May 11, under conditions that remain to be specified. Also while waiting to find them certainly with their faces masked, beware of bad scissors. Besides this reminder, do not cut your hair if it is wet, because once dried, the result is often shorter than expected. You have been warned!