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The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

How to make homemade linen gel?

This 100% natural natural gel is made from flax seeds.

It has a super nourishing and protective power for curly hair.

It's a real little miracle of nature with multiple benefits.

The good news?

It's that the flaxseed gel recipe is very easy to make at home!

So here's how to make your own linseed gel that your hair will love. Watch:

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • How to make cold flax gel?
  • What you need
  • How to
  • How to use linseed hair gel?
  • Recipe for Linseed Gel Hair Mask
  • How to use homemade linen gel for the skin?
  • Why does it work?


- 1 half glass of blond or brown flax seeds

- 4 glasses of water

- a pan

- a filter:a strainer, a fine strainer or a fine cloth

How to

1. Put the flax seeds in the pan.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

2. Add water.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

3. Heat over medium heat until the water simmers.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

4. When the water simmers, heat for 10 min.

5. Stir regularly until the water thickens and the texture becomes viscous like gel.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

6. Filter the mixture into a container.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

7. Leave to cool.


The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

There you go, your homemade linen gel is already ready :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

This beauty treatment is completely natural and very economical.

In my opinion, you will be surprised by its effectiveness !

And I also love its smell.

You will see that at the beginning, the gel is quite liquid.

But as it cools, it turns into a thicker gel.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

That's why it's best to strain it while it's still hot.

It's much easier.

Otherwise the gel becomes too thick and does not pass through the filter.

And this is the major drawback of this recipe.

Filtration is not always easy.

If you have difficulty filtering your mixture with a sieve or strainer, use a fine cloth.

A clean, old stocking will do just fine. And it's a great way to recycle them!

However, be careful with its conservation!

Don't forget that your gel is preservative-free.

Store it in the fridge for 2 to 3 weeks. No more!

It turns out that you can use blond or brown flaxseed. It's the same thing.

And do not hesitate to adjust the quantities of the ingredients to have a more or less sticky or viscous appearance.

How to make cold linen gel?

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

Know that there is another technique for making linen gel.

This is the so-called cold method.

The good news is that its preparation is even easier than the first recipe.

What you need

- 2 tablespoons blond or brown flax seeds

- 2 glasses of water

- 2 jars

- 1 fine filter cloth

How to

1. Put the flax seeds in the glass.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

2. Add water.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

3. Mix.

4. Let stand overnight .

5. Strain the mixture into the second jar using the cloth.

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

6. Squeeze the fabric well to collect all the gel.

And that's all ! Your linen gel is ready :-)

Again, you can keep it for 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge.

How to use linseed hair gel?

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

Linseed gel can also replace a daily hair gel.

Do you have wavy or curly hair?

Know that this gel tames curls and frizz and nourishes the hair .

But, rest assured, it won't weigh down fine hair.

There is no "cardboard" effect of the classic gel.

When it dries, it leaves no residue or greasy film.

So it is without rinsing!

Very handy for saving time when doing your hair in the morning, isn't it?

Its benefits for the hair are numerous.

It respects the scalp.

The hair is more supple, shiny, and soft.

Normal, since the linen gel hydrates them and nourishes the hair fiber.

It also protects ends and lengths.

Linen gel hair mask recipe

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

Convinced by the benefits of linseed gel?

So, quickly try this DIY mask for your hair to do before your shampoo.

Mix equal parts linseed gel and vegetable oil.

Choose the one you prefer:coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil, avocado oil, argan oil...

Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for as long as possible.

Then wash your hair as usual.

You will see, your hair is superb!

How to use homemade linen gel for the skin?

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

Its use is very simple. It is suitable for all skin types:oily, dry, with acne...

What if I tell you that this flaxseed gel is a great alternative to aloe vera gel.

Amazing, isn't it?

It is used like aloe vera gel.

It is an excellent care for the skin.

It is hydrating, nourishing and soothing.

Its use is ideal for sensitive skin!

You can apply it as a cream on the face.

You will see, it does not leave a greasy film and it has a tightening effect.

Your skin is deeply nourished and well hydrated.

It also has a protective effect.

You can therefore use it as an after-sun care.

Why does it work?

The Easy Linseed Gel Recipe (That Your Hair Will Love).

Flaxseed is truly a fantastic seed for health and beauty.

Its benefits are numerous, especially for digestion.

Flax seeds are particularly rich in oils and full of omega 3.

They are excellent for skin and hair.

Do you know, for example, that linseed oil is an effective remedy for hair loss?

They are particularly moisturizing and firming .

Not to mention that flax seeds are rich in mucilage.

This means that they swell on contact with water.

And they easily turn into a viscous substance:gel.

By the way, if your linen gel is too viscous, remember to heat it up a bit to liquefy it.