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A clothes swap and not buying clothes for a year and a half, how do you like that?

It started as a joke. Or actually not even yet. It was more of an ill-considered let me do that experiment. Don't buy clothes. For half a year, with the stretch to not buying clothes for a year and extended with a clothes swap party to now a year and a half not buying clothes. How did I get there and how do I like it? You can read that here.

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No buying clothes and a clothes swap as an aid

Almost 1.5 years ago I was on financial training. The main goal of the training was to make you more aware about money and change your mindset. I was amazed at how some people think about money:they call it 'the devil of all evil'.

I met a woman there who told me that she had decided not to buy new clothes until the end of the year. It was then mid-November so I didn't think the decision was very cool yet, but it was a start and perhaps already a lot for her.

In early December I was standing in a clothing store and I thought of her comment. Don't buy clothes. I wondered how much I really needed new clothes and decided to set myself a clothing challenge:not buying new clothes for six months.

Why shouldn't I buy new clothes?

Why? Well, just to see what that would be like. So few well thought out reasons. It soon became apparent how delicious I found it. Apart from the money I saved, I particularly enjoyed the time I had left.
Not that I go through life with a hole in my hand, but you probably recognize it:You see a nice dress, buy it and find out when you get home that you don't have suitable shoes. And then you'll be on the internet for a few hours. At least that's how it happened to me regularly.

Save time for other things

So more time, in a weird way also a kind of peace in my head and especially the feeling that there is more focus for the things that are really important to me. This left more time to read books about my passion (personal development). I read no fewer than 40 books in one year, while my annual average normally stuck at about 5 books. And just as important:more quality time with my family. So I saved myself from not buying clothes for six months. Because I liked it so much, I decided to extend the challenge to a year.

Clothes challenge for different reasons

Meanwhile, some women around me started to give me some unbelievable looks. I actually inspired others, because more and more I heard friends and acquaintances who also started their clothing challenge. Funny that everyone has their own reasons for this. One does not want to buy clothes to challenge themselves, the other leaves it for the environment and another because of the cost.

A clothes swap for fresh growth

Just before my planned end (at 11 months) it started to get a little challenging. I had an office job for years and my winter wardrobe was therefore composed a bit differently than what I longed for for my work from home job.

But the lifesaver was there:a friend had already organized a clothing swap several times. For various reasons I have not been to that clothing exchange before, but this time I signed up right away. With about 15 women we looked at, tried on and exchanged clothes for three hours. Unbelievable what I came home with! What others might not like (anymore), or were just fed up with, was fine with me. Among other things, I came home (yes if I'm going to mention the whole list, I'm still busy...) with 3 nice thick winter sweaters, a red leather jacket, 5 shirts and a bikini.

Totally crazy! A completely 'new' and above all free wardrobe in 3 hours!

Extend clothing challenge through clothing exchange

With this in my wake I decided to stretch my clothing challenge again:I'm going for 1,5 years now! I am now 15 months without buying clothes and I am still doing well. I enjoy all the benefits it brings me.

For the first time in those 15 months I do have a challenge. In just over two weeks the book that I wrote together with my husband will be published. 'Book for Parents - discover in 9 steps how parenting can be easier and more relaxed'. We have a festive book presentation for this. But what am I wearing? Do I have something suitable in my wardrobe? One is just a bit too summery, the other is a bit too black and a bit too neat or too casual.

It is precisely because of this dilemma that I notice what my biggest gain is from this special challenge that I have set myself:awareness!

Just as easily I fall back into my old patterns, about which I wondered why I had built them up. Because let's face it:there's bound to be something nice in my wardrobe. And if not, a friend has something to lend me. Or I'll quickly arrange a clothes swap 😉 .

Besides, people come for our book and not for my outfit. My husband doesn't even think about it:he'll probably just put on jeans, a nice shirt, a pair of sneakers and that's it!

Unconscious behavior

Did you know that 95% of our behavior is unconscious? My husband and I wrote this article about it. I realized that this also applied to my shopping behavior. It was almost automatic. The thought that I had nothing nice in my closet or the automaticity with which I would browse websites after the sale had started (where others do when the new collection is out, I always enjoy bargains). And the space it creates when you break through those automatic patterns. The wonder, energy, topics of conversation and above all the time. I will enjoy it for a few more days!

My clothes swap girlfriend has also started the challenge and is going to organize another clothes swap in the spring (otherwise she won't make it). If I score just as well there, I'll go for a 2 year clothing challenge. Just because you can!

What do I do with the clothes for the children?

I also buy a lot less for my children. I always had a great time there at the biennial sale. But clothing on sale sometimes turns out to be expensive because you go too loose. Now I look more consciously whether they need anything at all  (and I ask them if necessary). Buy reversible sequin shirts just because this is trend? Bit of a shame. Also saves a lot of hassle with passes, returning packages, time and money.

A minimalist wardrobe, project 333

Despite the unbelievable reactions from some women, I am definitely not the only one who sees the benefits of a somewhat minimalist wardrobe. I discovered that there was a craze in America 'project 333'.

The founder set herself the challenge of using only 33 items of clothing for 3 months (including jackets, bags, shoes and accessories. Many ladies are now following her example and YouTube is full of videos about this. I don't know if I can manage with 33 items. I've never counted it, but at least I'm experiencing all the benefits!