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Perfume hacks to smell good

If you're like most women, you spray a nice scent every day. You may even have a favorite scent that you can't live without. But there's always room in your beauty routine to smell better. We're not saying you stink right now, we're just saying there are perfume hacks that you might not take full advantage of. Read on to find out what these are to get the most out of your scent.

Spray on pulse points
If you normally spray perfume on your wrists and neck, you're on the right track. The best places to apply a fragrance are places where you can feel your pulse. This is because the body heat generated by pulse points can positively influence the intensity of the scent. So, the next time you put on perfume, pick a few places from the following list to spray:your wrists, the sides of your neck, behind your ears, on your elbows, and behind your knees.

Put lotion under the fragrance
Apply a lotion to the skin, even if it's only where you plan to spray your perfume. This can have a good effect on the smell. The reason is that when your skin is hydrated, fragrances last longer! So really, this hack will save you time in the long run as you won't have to reapply your perfume later in the day.

Dab, don't rub
What comes after you spray a fragrance on your skin? Do you rub your wrists together to make sure you're thoroughly perfumed? This is a very common habit, and one that you may have even heard of is the right thing to do, but think again. The rubbing motion can disrupt the notes in your scent and affect how good it smells. If you can't wait for your perfume to dry completely after spraying, pat your wrists instead of rubbing.

Squirt and walk away
Not everyone wants to have a strong scent. If you're concerned about overdoing it, or just prefer a lighter scent, try this trick:Spray your perfume in the air and then walk through it. You pick up the perfect amount of perfume every time, it's that easy.

Use a hair perfume Before you spray your hair with perfume, know this:it can dry out your hair. While hair that smells good is wonderful, don't try to freshen up the scent of your locks with the same scent you wear on your skin. The formula, which probably contains alcohol, may not be great for your locks. If your shampoo and conditioner don't leave your hair smelling nice for long, invest in a hair perfume. These sprays, specially designed for hair, make your locks completely sniff-worthy, without risking dry, damaged hair.

Use multiple scents
Do you mix different colors of foundation when you put on make-up? If so, this is the hack for you! You definitely want your perfume to have a bit of that DIY flair and there is an easy way to achieve it. Instead of using one scent, use multiple scents on top of each other to create something that's all yours. That way, when people ask you what scent you're wearing, you can say it's your own secret recipe.

Smell the perfume when it is dry
If you're looking for a new fragrance, don't buy it right after you've smelled it. You will not get an accurate idea of ​​what the fragrance will smell like. Wait a few minutes and smell it once it dries. If you think this might be the scent for you, hold on a little longer. Scents change the longer you wear them and you may feel different after a few hours.

Think about where you keep your perfume Storing your perfume in your bathroom may seem useful, especially if you're putting on your makeup or styling your hair there. But it turns out that the bathroom isn't the best place to keep odors. The hot, steamy environment in your bathroom can actually do your odors a disservice. Trust us, your fragrances will do better if kept in a cool, dry place.