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Split ends:this is how you cut them yourself

Split ends:this is how you cut them yourself

When you work bent over, you discover split ends. How do split ends develop? And more importantly:what do you do about it?

How do split ends occur?

Your hair has to endure a lot:every day it rubs against your clothes, your pillow, it is crammed into a tight elastic band and exposed to heat, such as hot flat irons. In addition, if you have long hair, your ends are already a few years old, they become more and more fragile. All of these influences can lead to split ends. In addition, it is in your genes:some people suffer from it faster than others.

Empty promise

Some hair products promise to fix split ends. Bad news, split ends remain split. Some products can make them less noticeable. By using a serum in your ends, the split ends are, as it were, 'stuck together'. Your hair will look healthier as a result, but the effect is only temporary.

The cure

There is no other option than to have your hair trimmed to get rid of your split ends. If you keep walking around with split ends, they will split further and further, eventually requiring a longer section to be cut to have healthy hair again. Then it is important that you take good care of your hair. Sometimes wear your hair up so it doesn't chafe against your clothes, use hair ties without a metal spacer, expose your hair as little as possible to heat and continue to visit the hairdresser regularly. With long hair, you should have your hair trimmed about once every three months.

Cut split ends and other haircutting hacks

Do you want to get rid of your split ends? Watch this video!